What To Know About Laser Hair Removal

A procedure that uses special lasers to remove unwanted hair from the body is called laser hair removal. The laser beams go through the skin and target the hair follicles. Heat from these instruments destroys the follicles causing growth to be stunted or permanently stopped. This treatment provides the best results on patients who have a light skin tone and dark hair.

The main purpose for this procedure is to remove hair, but it can also be used to treat pilonidal cysts and ingrown hairs. The most common areas for treatment: upper lip, armpits, chin, abdomen and pubic region. The beams are designed to target melanin or pigment. This is why it is easier to remove dark hair from light-colored skin. This treatment is not as effective on hair that is white, gray or blond. Dark-skinned patients are at risk of discoloration as a result of this procedure.

There are risks and side effects to be aware of. Most important, the procedure may not provide the desired results, that is, removing everything permanently. However, any re-growth should be considerably finer and light. Common side effects: darkening or lightening of skin, crusting and skin irritation. Other, less common, side effects: change in texture of the skin, scarring, allergic reactions and infection.

Research the doctor in advance. A practitioner should be board certified and know how to properly operate the specialized lasers. Be wary of spas, salons and similar facilities. These businesses may have untrained personnel performing the procedures. Avoid plucking, waxing and having electrolysis before the removal. When possible, avoid direct sunlight as well. Tan skin is more prone to side effects.

Cost varies. Factors that may impact total cost of the procedure: size of the area and number of sessions needed. Consult with a doctor for more specific price estimates. Some places offer payment plans.

A doctor can brief a patient on what to expect. They are also willing and able to answer questions and discuss concerns. To keep patients safe during the process, doctors have them wear special goggles. The procedure may cause a feeling of discomfort. Most doctors will apply a numbing cream to the skin beforehand.

The handheld laser is pressed to the area. When turned on, it may cause a stinging or tingling sensation. Usually this is not unbearable. Treatment time can range from a couple minutes to over an hour. How long it takes depends on a variety of factors such as the size of the area being treated and the amount of follicles. Some patients divide their work into multiple sessions that are spaced four to eight weeks apart.

Shedding typically occurs within two to three weeks. Swelling and redness are common in the hours that follow the procedure. The area should settle within a few hours. It is not uncommon for the skin to begin crusting. The stinging sensation that is felt during the procedure can last for a couple of days. If it is still present a week after treatment, notify the doctor at Laser Clinic Ottawa. Direct and artificial sunlight should be avoided for a few weeks after the removal, to allow the skin time to heal.

Are you looking for laser hair removal clinic Oshawa, Mesotherapy Ottawa, or Juvederm Ottawa? Then make sure to visit qualified laser hair removal as well as restylane Oshawa clinic for the treatment provided by the professions with affordable pricing plan.

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