What to Expect After a Mommy Makeover

During pregnancy, a woman’s body goes through many changes to accommodate her growing child. After giving birth, however, not all parts of your body return to their pre-pregnancy appearance. Mommy Makeovers are a newer type of Texas cosmetic surgery that helps you to get back to your pre-baby body. This is done by combining a tummy tuck and breast augmentation, which target the two areas most affected by pregnancy. Read ahead to learn more about how this procedure will affect you and what you can do to help your recovery.

Slow Down

It is suggested that you wait six months to a year after giving birth before having a Mommy Makeover to allow your body time to recover from labor. After surgery, you will need to give yourself at least two weeks of downtime. If you feel well enough, you can return to work, but make sure not to subject yourself to any demanding activities for at least six to eight weeks so that you don’t injure yourself. Also, be sure to hold off from exercise until your doctor gives you permission; you may think you feel well enough, but you could damage your new body or cause serious discomfort.

Your bed is going to be your best friend; these surgeries will cause swelling and considerable discomfort, especially the first few days after, so plan on doing a significant amount of resting. If possible, it is advised that you have someone take care of your children and any chores around the house, at least for the first couple of weeks until you are strong enough to do so.

Keep Your Expectations Realistic

You’re definitely going to look great following the procedures, but don’t expect to wake up a super model. Multiple procedures means that your recovery time on each is going to vary and the extensiveness of the surgery is going to play a part in that. Healing is going to require patience, and you’re going to be in pain and experience swelling for 2 months or more following the procedure. The surgeon does their best to make sure there are no traces of the incisions or stitches, but scarring should always be expected. Most often, cosmetic surgery in Texas will allow the surgeons to hide your scarring in the natural shape of your body.

The Finished Product

It is best to have a Mommy Makeover after you have finished having children so that you do not undo any of your procedure, but getting pregnant again will not cause any complications. Your body should be fully acclimated to the changes from surgery after about six weeks, and you should look slimmer and tighter, much like before your pregnancy.

If you are interested in having a Mommy Makeover in Dallas, make sure you do some research to learn more about the procedures and what would work best with your body. After you have more of an idea of what you want, schedule a consultation with your doctor to get back to your pre-baby body.

Get your confidence back after a pregnancy by having a mommy makeover in Dallas. Often times a tummy tuck in Dallas in included in the series of surgeries for mothers.

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