What is the difference between Steroids and Protein Supplements & side effects?

hi guys im just new to this yahoo questions thing. well i did abit of research on this topic but couldnt seem to find the anwser to this question.everytime i did find something on the web it sounded a bit biased just so i would buy their product.
ok so here goes:

1. whats the difference between Steriods and Protein supplements such as whey protein?

2. i know steriods has side effects such as having small testes. do protein supplements have the same side effects and what are the side effects of protein supplements if any?

3. what is the best protein supplement to buy if its safe? i was thinking of 'Maximuscle Promax HIGH PROTEIN'
any reccomendations

please thanks all help would be appreciated…. 🙂
ps: can i reply to my own question?

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  1. The Complete Idiot says:

    protein powder is safe, as long as they're not adding something crazy. it's just food. you use it to increase calories/protein.

    don't screw with steroids until you have a good solid workout routine and your diet is all cool. and then, still don't screw with steroids.

  2. lv_consultant says:

    what's the difference between steroids and protein supplements?

    well protein supplements are food items and steroids are synthetic hormones. there is no comparison between them

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