What does the term PCT (Primary Care Trust) refer to?

PCT stands for the Primary Care Trust, which refers to the care given by the medical professional a person would turn to if a health issue was to occur. Some of the PCT’s services include Walk-in Centres provided by the NHS along with NHS Direct, a phone line service for patients, which are managed by local PCT’s around Great Britain. Trips to the doctors, a visit to the dentist, seeing your orthodontist, purchasing medicines from a pharmacy or having your eyes tested at the local opticians are included in the PCT’s structure.

The NHS’s current focus is on Primary Care Trust’s, which receiving three quarters of the NHS’s total budget. The reason PCT’s receive such a large amount of the budget is because they work towards providing local communities, authorities and agencies with sufficient health care and social care across the United Kingdom. Primary Care Trust’s are right in the centre of the community and are able to respond to community’s needs in the most efficient way, because they are local organisations.

The three main aims of the Primary Care Trust’s include the aim to meet the needs of communities by ensuring sectors for health care and social care work effectively together. There is also an aim to increase the number of health services for the community that are available and the Primary Care Trust’s third aim is to work towards improving the health of the British people their local communities.

There are numerous issues which Primary Care Trust’s have to tackle on a daily basis. These problems include ensuring there are plenty of services to help the number of people that require them. Primary Care Trust’s also work to provide services which are accessible to as many people as possible.

The kinds of health services that Primary Care Trust’s work to improve and provide enough of include mental health services, Walk-In centres, Accident and Emergency trasport and facilities, pharmacies and chemists, as well as doctor surgeries, opticians, orthodontists and hospitals.

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