What Causes ED?

Erectile dysfunction causes can essentially be broken down into one of two categories: psychological and physical. Whereas the primary causes of erectile dysfunction are generally physical in nature, it’s very common for a psychological element to evolve as well, and compound the condition over time. This article examines the most-typical contributing issues to each group of culprits.

Physical Causes

Virtually all ED episodes are induced, at the least initially, by some form of physical ailment. Considering that the process of gaining, and keeping an erection is so directly linked to circulation, it should be no real surprise to find out that most of the leading causes of erectile dysfunction are associated with things that adversely affect the flow of blood in the body.

The Aging Process

As men that have reached middle age are more prone to be afflicted by heart disease, strokes, and angina than are their more youthful brethren, they are ultimately more predisposed to regular episodes of impotence. Both of the previously mentioned issues can reduce blood flow enough to make it difficult for the affected man to achieve an erection.

A great many doctors also believe that there is a correlation between a decline in the amount of nitric oxide generated by the body and aging. Since nitric oxide is an essential stimulant to the corpora cavernosa (the primary muscle in the penis), this could mean that some older men may no longer be able to make an adequate amount of the gas naturally to have normal sexual function.

Cigarette Smoking

A known side effect of smoking is the constricting and hardening of the arteries (i.e., atherosclerosis). Since this condition not only leads to a dramatic loss of circulation, but is also a contributor to cardiovascular disease, evidence is persuasive that cigarette smoking has led to erectile dysfunction in numerous men.

Diabetes Mellitus

Not only does type I diabetes (also referred to as diabetes mellitus) adversely affect circulation in the extremities, but it additionally destroys autonomic and sensory nerve endings in the body. The combined function of this pair of processes in erectile problems is to rob men of the needed flow of blood to the penis, as well as the muscle response to stimulation that are needed to gain an erection.

Elevated Blood Pressure

While there is no definitive medical evidence to establish exactly why elevated blood pressure affects normal sexual function, scientists have identified a statistical correlation between the two that cannot be dismissed. One believed connection exists in the low levels of nitric oxide generated by men who are afflicted with hypertension, but the relationship might also be based on the regular use of high blood pressure medications. The beta-blockers found in all hypertension medicines depress circulation as well.

Drug Addiction and Alcohol

In addition to their depressant effects on pulse rate and circulation, alcohol and the majority of narcotics will usually result in nerve damage and low testosterone levels if abused over an extended time frame. For that reason, men who consume these substances habitually experience the exact same causes of erectile dysfunction as those seen in diabetics, compounded with a decreased sex drive.

Lowered Testosterone Levels

Men who suffer from any type of compromised function of the testes usually suffer from low testosterone, or “Low T” as it is now often called. This problem brings about a significant decrease in the sex drive of the affected man and, in many cases, the onset of ED.


Unquestionably one of the quickest growing factors that cause erectile dysfunction, obesity influences sexual function in a plethora of ways. By reducing circulation to the extremities, inducing heart disease and diabetes, and causing numerous other heart problems, carrying around too much weight exposes a person to almost every known type of ED cause.

Psychological Factors

As stated at the outset, despite the fact that most erectile dysfunction causes begin as physical, they typically morph into a blend of biological and mental components. To grasp the significance of this, consider the role that mental sexual arousal has in creating an erection.

Whenever a man becomes psychologically aroused by visual or imaginary stimuli, the brain directs waves of electrical impulses to the nerves around the penis which, consequently, triggers them to discharge the nitric oxide needed to make the corpora cavernosa hard. If a man is struggling with any of the following psychological causes of erectile dysfunction, this action can get blocked.

Anxiety, Depression and Stress

Men that suffer from elevated stress levels, depression and anxiety often feel distracted, isolated, or otherwise detached from their surroundings to one degree or another. These feelings also have a tendency to result in a decrease in the man’s libido and, in some cases, an inability to get psychologically aroused by sexual stimulation.


The collective result of continual fatigue is to dull the brain’s reaction to outside stimulation. The apparent link between this issue and erectile dysfunction is that fatigued men often find it difficult to become excited by sexual thoughts and imagery.

Communication and Trust Issues in a Romantic Relationship

A couple of the most-troublesome psychological causes of ED are trust and communication problems between a man and his significant other. Since healthy sexual relationships are extremely reliant upon the couple achieving a high level in these two areas, circumstances where there is weak communication or a loss of trust can lead to episodes of sexual dysfunction for some men.

For additional information on erectile dysfunction causes, stop Darin Mendanor’s site www.erectile-dysfunction-symptoms.net. In addition to useful tips on diagnosis and treatment, you’ll also find interesting articles on topics such as erectile dysfunction in young men.

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