Weight Loss That Will Be Permant: What You Dont Know About Achieving It

Weight loss is on your mind or you wouldnt be reading this article. People have varying reasons for losing weight. Some of the reasons have to do with the short term; most have to do with the long term. Each requires a different solution, but in most cases the same solution is applied to both.

The most common short term reason has to do with a forthcoming event, for which you want to improve your appearance. Long term reasons frequently have to do with a desire for a lasting improvement in how you look, or they are health related.

Does your reason for weight loss, fall into the short term or the long term category? Your answer to this question will determine your next step.

If your motive for losing weight is driven by an impending event, you should do one of the many fast weight loss diets. But please be aware that you are likely to regain the weight that you lose, when you come off the diet. If your reason for losing weight is long term, you should stay away from diets that promise a fast loss of weight.

Weight Loss Studies

The research reveals that to lose weight permanently, lose weight slowly. Researchers define slowly as 1-2 pounds in a week. The researchers also concluded that exercise has a bigger impact on permanent loss of weight, than diet.

One study was particularly revealing. It compared results of people who moved from the big cities to the suburbs and vice versa. The subjects in the cities and the suburbs had similar diet intakes.

Study Results

On average, those who moved to the suburbs gained 15 pounds in the first year. In contrast, the result for the city dwellers was an average loss in weight of 15 pounds in the first 6-8 months.

The researchers concluded that the city dweller lost weight because they did more walking. While suburbanites drove to the supermarket and the school etc, the city dweller often walked there. They concluded that this was responsible for the weight changes.

A prominent expert on weight control, concluded that exercise has a much greater effect on achieving a permanent loss of weight, than diets. In terms of its impact, the ratio is 2:1 in favor of exercise.

Some Questions That Arise From This

Can you achieve lose weight permanently, if you follow a good exercise routine, but do not change your diet? Is lasting loss of achievable, if you follow a good diet, but dont exercise at all? What happens if you only partially follow the exercise and diet advice?

It is apparent that there is more for you to learn about achieving lasting weight loss.

The author suggests that you will reach your fat loss goals faster, if you follow the A-Z Roadmap For Effective Weight Loss. It is available free of charge – for a limited time – from this effective weight loss website.

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