Ways to Identify Causes of High Blood Pressure

Many people don’t realize how widespread high blood pressure is, and how potentially dangerous it can be. Hypertension does not always have early symptoms, so it’s possible to live with it for a long time and not know about it. High blood pressure has a variety of causes, and we’ll be looking at a few of these now.

One high blood pressure cause that you can control is smoking. People who smoke are at risk for a wide variety of diseases, including high blood pressure. Your arteries can become blocked and hardened when you smoke, and this contributes to high blood pressure. The length of time someone has smoked for, and how consistently, all have an effect on one’s blood pressure. But people who smoke in moderation, or who are frequently around others who smoke, are endangering their health. The good news is that no matter how old you are, you can reduce your blood pressure and improve your general health if you quit smoking.

High blood pressure can be caused or worsened by drinking too much alcohol. Alcohol consumption is tricky when it comes to your health, because many experts now believe that light to moderate drinking may be good for your heart. Any benefits, however, only apply to one or two drinks, as more than this raises your blood pressure and can create many other health problems. This issue is further complicated by the fact that many people have trouble limiting themselves when it comes to alcohol, and are better off abstaining. Alcohol, then, may be beneficial in small doses, but heavy drinking raises your blood pressure, as well as the other risks it poses to your health.

HDL, meanwhile, is good cholesterol that unblocks your arteries. The healthy type of fats, which are found in oils such as olive, coconut and many fish oils can help to improve your cholesterol levels, along with getting enough exercise. The main way to reduce bad cholesterol is to avoid unhealthy fats, processed foods, sugar and junk food. If you focus on lowering your cholesterol, you will probably lower your blood pressure as well, and both are factors you have to watch for the sake of your health.

No matter what is causing hypertension, you should not underestimate how dangerous it can be. Your doctor can give you recommendations on how to manage your blood pressure, and you should take this advice seriously. We’ve looked at just a few of the possible risk factors for high blood pressure. You can find a way to control your blood pressure, and with the help of your doctor you can figure out a plan that will lead to a healthier future.

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