Warning Don’t anythng else about Yeast Infection Home Remedies

Most yeast infection home remedies you can try in replacement of over-the-counter fungal remedies can cause yeast infections to grow back. The most important part of yeast infection home remedies are methods to eliminate moisture, the food for yeast infection. By removing moisture, you will kill the fungus and prevent it from coming back.

Yeast is everywhere, you can find it in many areas of the body that are often hidden and are folded. Areas like the genitals, the groin, the feet and the oral cavity are often filled with moisture that yeast love. Aside from these areas is the digestive tract; the normal human digestive tract contains yeast and “friendly’ bacteria that grow side by side preserving the health of the gastrointestinal tract.

Yeast infections grow in the oral cavity and the digestive tract when there is an overgrowth of fungus due to a decline in the beneficial bacteria. It is therefore important to increase the population of “friendly” bacteria and fight fungal infections with simple yeast infection home remedies.

Here are some of the most popular:
1. Yoghurt- yoghurt that contains live-microorganisms called Lactobacillus acidophilus. This is beneficial bacteria that can fight fungus. You can eat yoghurt or of you have vaginal yeast infection; you can apply yoghurt directly onto the vaginal walls. Use a tampon and dip it in yoghurt with Lactobacillus acidophilus and use a tampon like you usually do. You can repeat this treatment twice or thrice a day to get rid of the severe itching and burning sensation of vaginal yeast infection.

2. Garlic – garlic is an effective yeast infection home remedy and it can be useful especially for oral thrush. Garlic has anti fungal properties and is also a known antiseptic that can relieve the pain and the burning sensation of oral thrush. Chew fresh garlic or mash a clove of garlic into a paste and place it directly on the thrush. You can also use the garlic paste for vaginal yeast infections as well.

3. Apple cider vinegar – Dilute a small cup of apple cider vinegar in your bath water or on a small basin full of warm water. You can dip the infected area on the bath water for 15 to 30 minutes.

We must reiterate that you need to keep areas that are prone to yeast infections dry like the soles of the feet, groin area and diaper area for infants and toddlers.

Your doctor can advise you with the ideal treatment and can also recommend some home remedies that are proven to be effective and safe to use. Since misuse of antibiotics may also be the cause of yeast infections, you must always use any medication with caution. Never take antibiotics beyond the prescribed dose and period to prevent yeast infections from happening.

Learn more free information about Yeast Infection Home Remedies.

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