Vitamins for Acne

You can start to suffer with acne at every age and in contrast to common belief there are plenty of triggers for acne it is not just down to eating too much chocolate.

Oily food and chocolate may cause spots but this isn’t the case for everyone and it rarely sparks off acne which causes severe spots to break out all over your face and sometimes other parts of your body. Acne is more likely to be due to a hormone imbalance, stress, allergies, adolescence, over indulgence in alcohol or cigarettes or your genes.

Most doctors agree that a carefully balanced diet makes a contribution to optimum health including keeping acne in check. However, sometimes this alone is not enough and the body needs some help in the form of vitamin supplements.

The most common vitamins for acne include vitamin A which is why it is often seen on skincare labels. Vitamin A is essential for skin and bone health and is also found in citrus fruits and yellow vegetables. Vitamin E is also found in skin creams. Vitamin E is an antioxidant which can help in fighting the damage free radicals do to your body and skin.

Zinc is another crucial antioxidant it is vital to the body in a number of ways including boosting the immune system, decreasing cancer risk and defending your skin against UV damage.

Vitamin C is a vitamin not found naturally in the body yet it is another critical antioxidant. It also protects against UV damage. Vitamin C also provides help in the production of collagen which is highly important for the production of new skin. Topical creams containing Vitamin C are not as effective as getting it from foods and supplements. Omega 3 trans-acids have been proved by research to help in fighting acne.

As well as vitamins and a carefully balanced diet a good and consistent skin care routine will help you in your battle against acne and bad skin in general. Your local health food store stocks some of the best products including products containing tea or lavender. Some of the best natural products contain bee propolis

For the very best deals on Vitamin C tablets, visit us for the top choice in vitamins and minerals.

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