Virtual Employees Take To The Following Level

ing and virtual working will not be necessarily precisely the same point. Commonly, a er continues to be an employee of a firm functioning from a remote location-usually a residence workplace. As an employee, the company remains responsible for all present staff-related costs also as extra fees to help the remote working location. As most previously know, present employee expenditures consist of, at the really least: salary; employee medical, dental along with other advantages; coaching; at the same time as trip and sick days. Added charges attributed to can contain extra software and hardware expenses, IT assistance, Internet and telephone expenses and also other general office expenses.

With a contracted virtual worker, overhead fees are reduced as the firm is no longer accountable for normally accepted employee overhead expenditures. And, most importantly to some clients, the virtual worker only invoices for time spent working. “It’s a lot less expensive than having resources on staff, sitting on the bench and waiting,” as quoted in the New Jersey Business News article Tough times lead many into virtual work world. Traditional salary expenditures incurred during slow times, sick/vacation days as well as coaching are a factor of the past. Companies wanting to integrate a virtual workforce can be helped through the process of redefining job descriptions, typically used by on-site and/or ers, into task-oriented descriptions. This is just part of the process we use to help improve corporate efficiency, increase flexibility and save money through the use of virtual employees.

Now, before I get bombarded with emails about being ‘anti-employee’ — that is absolutely not the case. I was an employee before an entrepreneur and I still believe there are areas where employees are the better or most logical choice. Each scenario must be evaluated individually to assess the suitability for a virtual workforce. Jobs involving construction, guest or customer services too as some white collar industries do require on-site employees to handle the job.

There are also personality types to take into consideration. Not everyone is suited to the more independent and solitary life of a virtual worker. “Is There a Virtual Worker Personality? Research says yes-but it’s not the introverts who thrive working remotely, as you might think” – Business Week There’s also the revenue factor to consider; as any contractor knows, there are ups and downs that necessitate careful financial management and planning. Then, there are those people who are more comfortable with the idea of completely separating their ‘work life’ from the business of living, e.g. not having a residence office. For me, I wouldn’t trade my sixty second carpet commute for anything. Even seemingly insurmountable obstacles like financial stability and employee benefits can be overcome and eliminated with the right purpose and plan.

In all my years as an employee, one of the main things I was never in charge of was my continued employment. For me, and many others, the freedom to diversity revenue streams, create more business when needed or scale back when necessary was a force too strong to resist. As a contractor, I have a greater collaborative relationship with my clients than ever experienced in traditional corporate structures. For companies, the main benefits for integrating a virtual workforce are: Cost effective Improves worker efficiency Flexibility Reduces corporate carbon footprint Retain Baby Boomer expertise. We recommend that companies proceed carefully when considering transitioning employees to virtual employees. A thorough analysis of internal policies, procedures and resources will help identify virtual workforce opportunities. Established virtual workers are entrepreneurs at heart; as business owners themselves, they already have an understanding of expectations as contractors.

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