Venovil for Varicose and Spider Veins

Varicose and spider veins are common medical complaints that result when blood flow from outlying parts of the body back to the heart becomes compromised. Veins in the leg are the most commonly affected, particularly on the back of the calf. These veins contain a series of leaflet valves that allow only upward blood movement. Transport of blood up the leg to the heart proceeds via ladder-like steps through this series of valves. Varicose and spider veins result when vein walls develop poor tone, causing valve malfunction. Blood then stalls out on its upward journey and may even move down the leg. Valve malfunction in smaller vessels produces spider veins. In larger ones, varicose veins result. The characteristic color of varicose and spider veins, observable only for veins near the surface, derives from the bluish-red tint of oxygen-depleted venous blood.

If the problem is just beginning a natural way to be able to relieve the long term issue of spider veins is by exercise. If the issue has been untreated for a while exercise may be counterproductive though. If you are going to go about this particular natural method of treating this problem you are also going to want to elevate your legs after exercise. This will help prevent the swelling and discomfort afterward.

Exercise is another form of treatment of varicose vein removal. Low impact exercise such as walking and swimming are ways to improve circulation and improve muscle tone. Also stretching and exercises that improve circulation and maintain a healthy living routine prevent the development of varicose veins in the future. Most people find relief from the pain that varicose veins cause by elevating their feet on a chair, putting a pillow in between their knees at night or laying flat on the floor.

Some holistic doctors suggest increasing your intake of bioflavenoids, an ingredient found just below the surface of most citrus fruits such as oranges and grapefruits. Bioflavenoids strengthen capillary and vein walls which when they get weak are one of the main causes of spider veins.
Other doctors of natural healing suggest that exercises that tone the legs, such as laying on the back and raising the legs are effective. The theory behind this is that the blood drains from the spidered veins thus relieving pressure and reducing swelling. These exercises are not only good for battling spider veins but are also great for overall circulation.

Symptoms like spider veins occur when there is an insufficient amount of ESSENTIAL substances known to prevent disease, and maintain good health. Medical and nutritional sciences agree: ANTI-OXIDANTS for removal of damaging free radicals, and ANTI-INFLAMMATORY agents for reduction of harmful swelling and attendant weakness are ESSENTIAL. Many food sources contain these essential nutrients. The problem lies in obtaining sufficient quantities to correct damaged or weakened systems. We would have to eat huge amounts if we depended solely on food sources– certainly not a sensible spider vein treatment.

Natural solutions include taking Ginkgo supplements which help to strengthen vein walls in the legs. Horse Chestnut supplements have also been recommended by leading herbalist and doctors. Another natural and therapeutic way is to apply a cold compress dipped in witch hazel and essential oils to the affected area to calm the painful veins. Those interested in a natural solution or treatment to the problem should consider Venovil products. Read more at

Looking to find info on leg varicose vein, then go to our site to find the best info on Spiders in Your Legs? Here’s How to Get Rid of Them for you.

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