Varicose And Spider Veins Treatment

There are many people who get varicose veins. The reason that this happens is because the veins become weak in the individual. This leads to swelling and the veins becoming a blue color on the skin. These can hurt a lot and sometimes people are not even able to comfortable stand on there legs for any extended period. This is because the vein is not working properly. It is not allowing the blood to flow both ways as it normally should. There are solutions to spider veins though.

For less sever conditions a doctor may recommend elevating the legs to help releave some of the symptoms. The doctor can instruct a patient to lift their feet above their heart for 15 minuets at a time and three to four times a day. When standing for an extended period of time you may also need to flex your legs to encourage blood to pump to the heart.

But it just isn’t older women hiding body parts and looking for an effective varicose vein treatment. It can happen to people younger than age 50. Shorts, T-shirts, and tank tops are boxed up and tossed in the back of closets. Today you don’t have to suffer and live with those ugly varicose veins. Varicose vein treatments are available; some are natural – some not so much.

Endovenous laser treatments – EVL – treats the root cause of varicose and spider veins. It’s quick and safe with no scarring. However, there is a tingling and/or burning sensation, leg pain, and some aching and cramping to deal with. Note: those who opt to use this type of varicose vein treatment should keep in mind that they will not just fade away without proper treatment and, in some cases, aggravate over time.

Natural treatments that contain high levels of anthocyanidins and anti-oxidants will help strengthen the smaller blood capillaries in the body. The bilberry plant is one form of varicose vein treatment . So, if you choose this strange looking plant as your varicose vein treatment , be advised that bilberry can bring on skin rashes, stomach aches, and drowsiness. Be advised that over use of bilberry as a tea or otherwise can have serious consequences.

Whatever mode of action you choose to take wheather it be varicose vein surgery, compression stalkings, or Venovil supplements see a physician first and make sure you’re making the right decision for your condition.

Do you want to learn more about facial spider veins – Don’t let facial spider veins disturb your life, then visit our website and read more about Sclerotherapy to eliminate spider and varicose veins.

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