Varicose And Spider Veins Treatment

Spider leg veins, also known as varicose veins, are enlarged veins, which are often painful. These veins have expanded because the valves inside the veins that regulate the direction of blood flow do not close correctly, allowing the blood to flow backwards within the veins and weakening the walls of the veins. This, in turn, causes swelling and pain in the veins, leading to difficulties in standing for long periods of time and muscle pain. Also, the enlarged veins appear like a dark blue or purple web on the surface of the skin. There are many natural cures to this common medical problem.

For less sever conditions a doctor may recommend elevating the legs to help releave some of the symptoms. The doctor can instruct a patient to lift their feet above their heart for 15 minuets at a time and three to four times a day. When standing for an extended period of time you may also need to flex your legs to encourage blood to pump to the heart.

Some holistic doctors suggest increasing your intake of bioflavenoids, an ingredient found just below the surface of most citrus fruits such as oranges and grapefruits. Bioflavenoids strengthen capillary and vein walls which when they get weak are one of the main causes of spider veins.
Other doctors of natural healing suggest that exercises that tone the legs, such as laying on the back and raising the legs are effective. The theory behind this is that the blood drains from the spidered veins thus relieving pressure and reducing swelling. These exercises are not only good for battling spider veins but are also great for overall circulation.

Other product in the market suggestive to be effective for varicose veins removal is the Vitamin K cream. The cream is applied to the skin and absorbed by the fat and then will travel to the bloodstream. Vitamin K helps maintain normal coagulation in the body and prevents the hardening of the arteries and swelling thus preventing varicose veins

Leg muscle movement hastens upward blood flow by rhythmically compressing affected veins, squeezing blood up and through successive valves. People who suffer from varicose and spider veins therefore benefit from frequent exercise, especially walking or bicycling. In contrast, stationary standing worsens symptoms.

Those who suffer from varicose and spider veins can now also make use of products that directly address the root cause of this painful condition. Venovil is an all-natural herbal supplement that helps your body to correct underlying vein weakness. Venovil’s powerful flavenoids and enzymes strengthen the effectiveness of the catecholamines your body naturally produces for maintaining vein wall tone and strength. Venovil also decreases activity of the endothelial adhesion molecules that promote vein inflammation and free radicals. European health care providers have been able to treat varicose and spider veins with these products for years, and now you can reap the benefits too.

Do you want to find out more information on Spider vein – Spider vein: Laser & Natural treatment, then visit our site and learn more about Herbal and Dietary Treatment of Hemorrhoids.

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