Understanding Lower Back Pain Relief

Many people begin to experience problems in their lumbar spinal region between the ages of 30 and 50. In a look at lower back pain relief it is important to understand this is a common complaint. An injury or wear and tear on the body may be contributing factors.

Before diagnosing, a specialist may want to conduct a series of test to determine the cause of the pain. The most common conditions are arthritis, sciatica, and osteoporosis and herniated disc problems. The problem of spinal stenosis (which is a narrowing of the spinal column) is a condition which may be less common.

Lumbar discomfort can be categorized in two areas. Acute and Chronic. Acute is usually short term. Discomfort lasts for a few days to a few weeks. Chronic pain, (often difficult to diagnose) generally persists for more than three months. However, most doctors agree that both these conditions are treatable without the need for surgical intervention.

On some occasions the complaint is related to recent weight gain. One simple step in obtaining relief would be weight-loss. It is wise to seek a professional consult before beginning any weight loss diet, particularly those with diabetes.

Because autoimmune diseases such as arthritis and osteoporosis can be contributing factors nutrition should also be examined. Often improper diets are low in nutrients which sustain bone density and muscle strength. Regular nutritious meals help to maintain healthy bone.

An inactive lifestyle is also a contributing factor to lumbar pain. When muscles weaken spasms may occur. Irritating the muscle can result in discomfort. As a compensation other spinal muscles may be overworked and result in pain in other regions of the spine.

If a doctor suggests exercise, walking can be a first line of defense if included as a daily regime. Low impact exercises such as stretching, yoga, and Pilates are also beneficial. Strengthening the core muscles of the body can help improve this condition and increase stamina.

Sleep can be a problem as well. Often relaxing before bedtime helps. Some healthcare professionals suggest a warm shower or bath before retiring. A pillow between the knees reportedly has been beneficial in keeping the spine aligned. Some Physical Therapists recommend a medium to firm mattress as firmer mattresses tend to aggravate this condition. Insomnia is also a factor and this should be discussed at the time of consult.

In some cases, a relatively simple procedure may be required. This can be performed under surgical conditions but as an outpatient procedure. Steroidal injections are administered into the afflicted area without the need for incision. The time of improvement may vary between patients.

Some patients find relief in over the counter NSAIDs (non-steroidal drugs). Doctors may prescribe pharmaceutical grade NSAIDs. Patients should consult with a physician before NSAIDs such as ibuprofen and or naproxyn, particularly those suffering hypertension as there may be complications.

Back problems are common. When seeking lower back pain relief, patients are advised to consult with a referred specialist before beginning a treatment plan. While some problems may not be curable it is always best to remain active, eat a proper diet and follow the advice of physicians to maintain a level of comfort.

Safe and natural lower back pain relief now at your finger tips. Get the low down in our guide to all you need to know about how to effectively relieve back pain .

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