Understanding And Healing Tendonitis Symptoms

The tissues which facilitate our movement are the tendons; these tough, fibrous tissues connect our muscles to our bones. Tendonitis is a condition in which these tissues are inflamed. The condition is known by a number of different names, depending largely on where the inflammation is. Inflammation in the knee or elbow may be known as jumper’s knee or tennis elbow, respectively.

Tendonitis symptoms typically happen as the result of a repetitive strain injury. Repetitive motion can gradually lead to small tears being made in the tendon. The pain resulting from the condition can range from mild to severe, depending on the seriousness of the injury and how long the tendon has been inflamed since continuing to strain the tendon worsens the condition. You can often prevent the condition from progressing to a severe injury by using splints or wraps to restrict motion and heat, cold and anti-inflammatory drugs to reduce the swelling.

In order to prevent long-term damage it is important that you know how to recognize tendonitis symptoms and treat it before it goes too far. Below are the common symptoms associated with tendonitis:



* Area may feel warm to the touch

Restricted range of motion, especially early in the morning or late in the evening


Burning sensation

* Area can be painful to the touch

Preventing Tendonitis Symptoms

Prevention is always the best treatment with any kind of injury. While you don’t actually have to give up sports or other physical activities, you will have to do these things with caution.

One of the most common ways to get tendonitis is by not warming up and cooling down before exercising. When you warm up before strenuous activity, you stretch the muscle and the tendon, which properly prepares them for the ensuing exercise. Afterward it is important to cool down, again with stretching.

Many people suffer tendonitis symptoms because of everyday stress on the joints. This happens when you are severely overweight and can cause significant knee and ankle problems. The best way to combat this is by losing as much excess weight as possible.

Improper form in any situation can lead to tendonitis symptoms. Whether you are on the tennis court or in front of your computer at work all day, it is important to position your body correctly during all kinds of work and play. For work situations, you can add ergonomic equipment such as specially designed keyboards and adjustable chairs to help you achieve the most natural placement of your hand, arms, and elbows and so on.

How you position yourself while playing sports or exercising is also important. When you overextend your joints, you can easily tear tendons and put yourself in serious pain as well as cause a case of tendonitis. You should get professional advice about proper form before you start playing any new sport.

There are many methods for preventing and treating tendonitis. You can use rubs, wraps and ice packs to reduce the swelling and pain, but perhaps the best thing you can do is to rest the affected area so that it can heal. Anytime you feel pain, swelling or burning it is a good idea to stop whatever is causing the pain and seek medical attention.

Tom Nicholson has spent years helping carpal tunnel sufferers. Please follow this link to find out more regarding having asore wrist.

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