Understand That There Are Lots Of Causes Of Constipation

The following are some common causes of constipation, which is in essence, irregular bowel movements, known also as a BM, or a BM, with abnormally hard stools. One reason is if the colon absorbs too much water or the colon is too sluggish. Everyone has different bowel habits, which is why one person might feel irregular if he has only one bowel movement a day, while another person might have two or three bowel movements per day and feel regular.

One will know if he is suffering from irregularity if he starts to have fewer bowel movements than usual, or if he starts to pass hard stools. Irregularity is nothing to be alarmed about unless one starts to become irregular more frequently. One reason some people experience irregularity is due to lack of fiber in their diet, which is needed to help digestion.

Fruit is high in fiber, besides containing high levels of senna, which helps speed transit time. The transit time refers to the time it takes food to enter the digestive system and then be eliminated. People who have diets low in fiber have increased transit time, meaning that food stays in their large intestine longer.

Some men and women suffer from irregularity because they are taking certain medications that make their colon muscle sluggish. If the colon is sluggish, food elimination is slowed. However, once the medication is discontinued, the colon should start acting normally, and regularity will be restored.

Some people will go through a period of irregular BMs because they are experiencing a period of emotional stress. When a person is under a lot of stress, the adrenal glands will secrete excess adrenal which will interfere with the digestion process and slow transit time. Once the stress is reduced, the person should experience regularity, and BMs should be returned to normal.

If one is not getting enough exercise, one could suffer from irregularity. One need not have to train for the Olympics in order to remain regular. However, one should at least exercise three to four times a week, for at least thirty minutes, in order to keep his system regular. A thirty minute walk, three times a week, should be adequate to keep on cycle.

There are a lot causes of constipation, but the most common reason is due to a diet low in fruit and fiber. One can take steps to make his trips to the restroom more frequent, such as including more vegetables, grains, and fruit, in his diet. One can also develop an exercise routine in order to keep his colon muscle strong and active.

Do you suffer from constipation? Visit Home-Remedies-for-Constipation.net to get information about effective constipation home remedies.

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