Tried and Tested Cold Sore Remedies

There are a lot of effective cold sore remedies around. One great remedy is essential oils of certain plants. Numerous studies have found that their are a number of plant oils that are good at battling certain viruses. Studies indicated that certain plants like chamile, them, and ginger were effective against a strain of the Herpes simplex virus.

Take a look at this write up also: cold sore home remedies

Cat’s claw is yet another plant that’s been recognized to have anti viral tendencies. This plant is also safe to consume. For those who have a cold sore you are attempting to eliminate than having a few glasses of tea weekly with cat’s claw inside them will go a long way in preventing the spread of cold sores. A few other plants that are recognized to work nicely against viral activity are peppermint and lemon balm, which you’ll be able to also put in a tea. In the event you don’t prefer to drink tea an alternative solution would be to take capsules using these herbs inside them. To stop cold sores, the recommended dosage is 2 to 3 capsules per day.

An identical herbal cold sore remedy is tea tree oil. Tea tree oil have been seen to have positive results against various microorganisms along with the Herpes virus. In one study involving tea tree oil it was discovered that when it was placed on a cold sore, it would stop the cold sore from spreading.

Okay now let’s get into cold sore remedies you shouldn’t try because they’re ineffective, dangerous, or both. The first one is bleach, now this sounds pretty obvious, but I’ve actually seen advice telling individuals to put bleach on the cold sore. Applying bleach to your skin is dangrious and may be responsible for more severe health problems.

Go here for more info: how to treat a cold sore

Our next bad remedy is trying to freeze a cold sore with ice. Frostbite is one thing that will happen when something cold touches living tissue. Freezing your cold sore may appear to work, however in the long term it could damage the tissue and be responsible for much more health issues.

Using any chemicals that aren’t prescribed for cold sore treatment methods are always going to be a bad idea. Understand that a cold sores come from viruses. The thing you need is something that attacks a virus directly. Cold sores also are activated by stress and weakening of your immune systems. If cold sores are a common theme in your own life than have a look around and learn areas where you may be over stressed. That may be the main reason, so fix that and your cold sore annoyance is also gone.

I am aware cold sores can be very annoying and unpleasant to see, which cause us to want to eliminate them with any means necessary. Ensure that you do it smartly though utilizing safe and proven cold sore remedies.

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