Treatment of Sciatica

Sciatica is a painful condition that occurs when the root of the sciatic nerve, the longest nerve in the body, becomes compressed. The sciatic nerve has its beginning in the spinal cord near the buttock and hip and extends all the way down the leg and into the foot. Any feeling derived along the hip, leg and foot is due to impulses from the sciatic nerve. Likewise, any compression, damage or inflammation to this nerve can cause pain that radiates all the way from the lower back down the leg and into the foot.

Yoga is a natural remedy that works well for people suffering from sciatica pain. Yoga can also help to prevent future pain associated with sciatica. The poses associated with yoga help to relieve sciatica pain because they stretch the muscles and reduce the pressure on the lower back and legs. Yoga also helps to strengthen back muscles, which can relieve pain.

First, you may think about trying acupuncture, where very slim needles will be applied to your skin. Believe it or not, many don’t even feel these, and do find significant relief here, from lower back sciatica. Of course, you will want to be working with an experienced and licensed practitioner. The idea behind this practice is that your energy is unblocked and your health is thereby improved.

Some info on sciatica reveals that one of the most successful treatments for sciatica pain is to exercise. You can release some pressure on the affected nerve roots by stretching. There are also several back exercises that will help you to relieve the sciatica pain if such pain is not overwhelming. You can also find detailed sciatica exercises online that can help you overcome the sciatica pain. It’s not recommended to stay in bed when you have sciatica pain, you should at least stretch your legs and back.

Certainly follow your physician’s and physical therapist’s suggestions, which can include the following: specific exercises, stretches, cold and heat packs, and taking OTC and prescription pain relievers. However, you may find that there are some additional alternative measures that may help remedy your lower back sciatica, as well.

An herbal remedy called sciatol, containing six natural herbals, is available as a supplement or an essential oil. This preparation offers a cure for sciatica, and is worth a look. Natural is not always safe, so it is a good idea to learn the ingredients and check their safety, but given safe ingredients, any sciatica sufferer will say its worth a try if it results in healing sciatica.

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