Treatment of Mononucleosis

Mononucleosis is an illness that is caused by the Epstein – Barr virus (EBV). A symptom of Mononucleosis is severe fatigue. A headache often accompanies the tiredness. A strong symptom of mononucleosis is a severe sore throat which is often thought to be strep throat. But the illness mimics the flu with fever, chills and muscle aches.

One cannot relieve a symptom of mononucleosis with any particular treatment a doctor can give. As a matter of fact, a symptom of mononucleosis will go away on its own. It sometimes takes as short a time period as a couple of weeks, but sometimes these symptoms can persist for months. Sufferers of the illness just have to wait for each symptom of mononucleosis to go away on its own.

The number one suggested home remedy for the treatment of mononucleosis is bed rest. Since the body is fighting a viral infection, full attention of the body’s defense systems should be concentrated on fighting off foreign species. For the same reason, the affected should not participate in intense physical activity. Strenuous exercise could also lead to the rupturing of the spleen which should be avoided at all costs.

Going to a doctor, he will check to see if your lymph nodes are swollen. Sometimes your spleen or your liver will be swollen and they will check for that because it can be a very direct indicator as to if you have mono or not. The doctor will probably want to do some blood work on you to confirm if you have mono the kissing disease or not. If you have a higher than normal white blood count the chances are that you do have mono the kissing disease.

Drinking a cup of apple cider vinegar and honey can be helpful in the treatment of mononucleosis. The acidity of the apple cider vinegar will flush away toxins and cleanse the back of the throat while honey acts as a lubricant to provide sore throat relief. Drinking frequently as needed will ease the pain and accelerate recovery. This specific treatment of mononucleosis is excellent for providing an immediate remedy to this problem.

Other solutions people use to treat monokissing disease are herbal remedies.Which have existed since the beginning of time and are successful .This approach is said to behelpful for those preferring a less modernized approach. Regardless of which method used to treat mononucleosis; the end result is receiving some form of treatment to ensure good health.

Do you want to find info on mononucleosis adults – Complete Information on Epstein Barr Virus, then visit our website to find the latest info on the New England Journal of Medicine quotes Dr. Stephen Straus of the National Institute of Allergy for you.

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