Treatment for IBS

Spastic colon sounds awfully unpleasant, and it definitely can be. Actually, spastic colon is often used as another name for Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS). No matter the term, this condition causes painful cramps, bloating, fatigue, nausea and other related symptoms, and millions across the world seek relief.

Below are a summary of some of the ingredients Bavolex contains.
Lemon Balms is a herb from the mint family. It is often taken after a meal to relive gas and indigestion. The German Commission E knows lemon balm is useful for treatment of sleep disorders and stomach upsets. 5-HPT is an animo acid that is extracted from seeds. It is extrated from the African plant Griffonia Simplicifolia. The body converts this to serotin a substance that regulates the speed food travels through intestines and regulates moods.

Reducing stress in your life, eating smaller meals, regular exercise such as walking or yoga, and adequate sleep improve this disorder. Increasing fiber in the diet and drinking more water is another way to help the situation. For some patients a natural remedy may be the only medication needed to help. For centuries natural remedies from herbs and plants were used in Asia and Europe to treat nervous stomach and problems in the intestine.

In our current age of high stress careers and long work days, its no wonder doctors believe as many as one in five Americans sufferer from IBS. Yet, stress is only one theory as to how weve become a population suffering from IBS. Other popular theories include diet, gender, and illness.

IBS is a disease that can easily be misdiagnosed because there currently is no laboratory test or imaging test that doctors can use to help diagnose it. IBS symptoms are the main driver for diagnosis and this makes a doctor’s task more difficult since the disease shares so many characteristics with other illnesses. IBS is often mistaken for a number of other diseases including infectious diseases, parasites, food allergies, or lactose intolerance. IBS symptoms also closely mimic the symptoms of a patient with celiac disease.

Bavolex has used natural ingredients such as chamomile, fennel seed, peppermint, ginger and lemon balm, to name a few, to develop this IBS cure. These natural ingredients do not just treat the triggers, but treats all the problems of IBS. They attack the anxiety trigger, aid in digestion, and prevent the symptoms. Doctors that understand that there are cures other than their synthetic drugs recommend this supplement as an IBS cure. This IBS cure has been proven in numerous clinical and double blind studies. Therefore, if you’re suffering and wishing there was an IBS cure, Bavolex has the answer.

Looking to find info on treatment of ibs – Irritable Bowel Syndrome and its Effects on Cats, then go to our site to find the best information on Causes of Irritable Bowel Syndrome for you.

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