Treating Trench Mouth Disease through Going Natural

Trench mouth is typified by red, bleeding gums, mouth sores, bad breath and foul taste. This condition occurs when harmful bacteria has grown out of control thus eating away on the soft gum tissues. This condition started and was named during the First World War when soldiers were trapped in trenches and they have no means of doing proper mouth sanitation. Occurrence of trench mouth in developed countries may be uncommon these days however there are still cases of said condition. This is prevalent in developing nations and poverty-stricken areas where living conditions are impoverished and nutrition is inadequate.

Fortunately, there are several trench mouth remedies at home that you can consider to ease the pain and bring relief. You could try following a liquid or soft diet during the first few days of treatment to reduce the pain. But spicy foods should be avoided as it can irritate the gums. You also need to rehydrate yourself so that you can help the saliva production to neutralize from harmful microorganisms in the mouth. As much as possible, you must try to avoid drinking soda and alcohol. Maintaining a healthy and well-balanced diet could naturally help you improve your overall health.

Aside from this, you can also consider doing a baking soda therapy. Swishing with baking soda can help fight fungal infections while it cleanses your mouth and thwarts bacterial contamination from increasing. A stinging sensation may be experienced, but that sensation would go away after a while. Another great way of using baking soda are generating a paste and spreading it over to areas with open sores. This method could also help prevent bad bacteria from entering your body thus stopping further infection. Believe it or not, baking soda has its anti-inflammatory characteristics that help minimize distended gum tissues. It actually has a lot of healing properties like reducing pain caused by trench mouth.

Stress can aggravate trench mouth, but utilizing essential oils of clay sage, lavender and chamomile could help reduce stress levels. Typically, drinking chamomile tea can help restore healthy tissues in the mouth and a good mouth wash can also be made from clay sage infusion. Bad breath caused by trench mouth can be improved by eating parsley. Therefore, overall dental health is essentially important to make sure that microorganisms’ growth is lessening to its healthy level. It is also important to keep oral cavity clean.

Take into brushing at least two times daily. Follow it up with flossing and mouth wash. Do not use tobacco products to prevent development of trench mouth. Stick to a healthy eating habits and manage stress to keep gum infections at bay. And do not forget regular visits to your dentist to be updated on your dental health.

To know more about the best trench mouth remedies at home, stop by Peter Kurt’s site. He’s a freelance writer. He widely writes articles about dental health. For more info, visit site at

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