Treating Sinusitis

Sinusitis is an infection of the sinuses, caused by inflammation of the sinus cavities and surrounding area. Symptoms can include pain and pressure around one or both eyes, the forehead, the cheek or top jaw (sometimes confused for a toothache from the pressure and resulting pain behind the back tooth), as well as foul smelling breath, sinus congestion and nasal discharge, sometimes thick and yellow or green in appearance. Treating Sinusitis can be a challenge.

Drinking warm herbal tea with eucalyptus also peppermint tea with lemon and honey works well in decongesting your swollen nasal membranes. Getting enough fluids such as orange and apple juice, but especially warm liquids it helps to loosen and thin out the mucus.

There are also over the counter nasal sprays and saline sprays. Saline sprays are non-medicated and simply contain salt water. Using nasal sprays involve holding one nostril closed while inserting the cone applicator into the other nostril and breathing in sharply while squeezing the bottle.

Alternating between a warm and cold compress to the head and face alleviates the symptom of the sinus pressure that you feel. Star with a warm compress for a few minutes than use the cold compress continue the process for at least twenty minutes. It helps to loosen the mucus and relieves the swelling to allow the mucus to flow freely.

Sinus problems seem to affect everyone these days. Many try to relieve the headache pressure by using very warm cloths over the eyes. Another remedy would be the use of a saline solution in the nose. Yes, these things may give relieve briefly. However, we know that sinus infections are caused by viruses, bacteria and fungi growing inside of our sinuses. One thing that may pop into our mind is to sign up for sinus surgery.

Better yet, a more natural solution to Sinusitis that doesn’t involve chemical drugs is Sinuvil – a safe and natural remedy that fights the root of Sinusitis as opposed to just the symptoms alone. Sinuvil can be used for either Acute Sinusitis or Chronic Sinusitis. You’re more than likely to experience a natural boost in your immune system, thus your health will improve much quicker. The above options are practically no match for a safe and healthy choice like Sinuvil, now available at

Learn more about Sinus Relief. Stop by our site where you can learn all about Chronic Sinus Problem – The Things You Should Know.

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