Treating Internal and External Hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids are the inflammation of veins in or out of the anal canal. They cause the area puffiness and blood loss and give an itchy, burning feeling. It is mainly caused by different factors like bowel disorders (i.e. diarrhea, constipation), pregnancy, genetics, aging, obesity, or just by sitting to long.

There are two kinds of hemorrhoids- internal and external. Internal hemorrhoids are in the inner region of the anus and can be diagnosed using an anoscope, a small tube-like camera. In diagnosing external hemorrhoids, hemorrhoids which are located outside the anus, a visual examination is done.

There are many different ways which are used in treating hemorrhoids. The treatment done will depend on what type, where, and how severe the hemorrhoid is. External hemorrhoids can be treated at home but internal hemorrhoids are healed in a clinic. Currently there are two treatments which can be done in order to cure internal hemorrhoids.

The first one is the Rubber Band Ligation. It is the most convenient procedure in treating hemorrhoids because it is not that painful. It is the best in treating second degree hemorrhoids.

In the first step of procedure, a rubber band will be fastened not too tight and not too loose at the base of the hemorrhoid. The band will be in there for a week or more until the hemorrhoid will dry up and just fall off during bowel movement.

During the procedure, slight tingling sensations can be felt. If the pain is too severe, the patient can ask for anesthesia. To reduce the aching, a sitz bath three times a day is recommended. Pain relieving drugs like aspirin though are not advisable for it may make the bleeding worse.

Injection Sclerotherapy is the second technique. In this procedure, the doctor will inject a chemical to the hemorrhoid to scar the tissue around it and reduce its blood supply. For one week or so, bleeding may be observed. After that period, bleeding will slightly lower and the hemorrhoid will just fall off.

Treating external hemorrhoids has a different set of procedures. They require lesser effort and can be done in home.

Use of Warm Water – A sitz bath three times a day can be helpful. By just plunging in a tub hips down with warm water for 15 to 20 minutes, the external anal area will be cleaned and relaxed thus soothing the hemorrhoids.

Doing it often will surely eliminate the hemorrhoids. A different way is to immerse a cloth into warm water and apply it on the affected area which also should be often.

Use of Ice – Ice packs and bags can reduce the swelling can eventually heal the hemorrhoid. The cold temperature contracts the veins and lowers the blood supply in the hemorrhoid which will make it fall off after some time.

Use of Creams and Drugs – Applying cream and taking non-prescription drugs can be effective ways in treating hemorrhoids. Herbal creams sold in stores can be utilized, but check first if you have an allergic reaction to an ingredient in the product. Non-prescription drugs like pain relievers and anti-inflammatory drugs are effective in reducing the swelling of external hemorrhoids.

You can find out more about what hemorrhoid is, when you visit the site for the best hemorrhoids treatment to cure your hemorrhoids.

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