Treating Clients Who Have OCPD

I was working as a full time psychiatric nurse in one of the mental health institutions in Vancouver. I was able to handle a lot of patients who’ve mental illness. In the ward where I was assigned, most of the patients suffer with schizophrenia and some from a bipolar disfunction. But also the patient that truly drew my attention was the person who is suffering from an undifferentiated kind of schizophrenia. This actual patient has suffered from harsh obsessive compulsive personality disorder or OCPD.

According to a Vancouver counsellor there, the obsessive compulsive personality disorder is a variety of personality disorder that’s identified by re-occurring undesired thoughts and the doing of repetitive actions.

Examples of repetitive actions may be washing of hands more frequently than ordinary, rearranging things in their houses or offices, and washing of floors and walls from time to time till the point that they begin to neglect doing other activities inside their day to day lives. If left untreated, OCPD can become even more serious and can even progress into mental sicknesses including schizophrenia.

This obsessive compulsive personality disorder can be treated by cognitive behavioural therapy or CBT. When OCPD hasn’t yet become something severe or hasn’t led to any major psychological illness, then the employment of the cognitive behavioral therapy can be enough to treat the patient.

Meanwhile, if it has turned out to be more complicated, then it may be desirable the person begin taking anti-psychotic medicine as could be prescribed by a doctor. You’ll find that counselling services offer cognitive behavioural therapy. Furthermore, a large amount of therapists and psychiatric doctors would encourage making this as the 1st line of treatment in the treatment program of a person with obsessive compulsive personality disorder. Moreover, CBT is known to be very effective in curing this type of personality disorder.

Jennifer Catigan is a Burnaby counselling student and a regular content writer for various Vancouver marketing companies.

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