Treating Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Ever felt like the muscles in your wrists and hands are weak, numb or painful? A painful progressive disease called Carpal Tunnel Syndrome could be the cause. This happens when your median nerve, which runs from your forearm to your hand, is compressed at the wrist.

The carpal tunnel is a narrow passageway of ligament and bones at the base of the hand. The pressure within the tunnel can rise and that is how the median nerve gets pinched. Reasons for increased pressure include swelling due to trauma or injury to the wrist, work stress, repeated use of vibrating tools, fluid retention or development of cysts or tumor in the canal.

The incidence of carpal tunnel syndrome is greater in women, probably because their carpal tunnels are smaller compared to men’s. This condition is common to adults employed as assembly line workers in industries like manufacturing, sewing, finishing, cleaning and meat packing. Symptoms of this syndrome include hand and finger pain, tingling sensations of the fingers, and numbness in the fingers.

Treatment can either be non-surgical or surgical, depending on the choice of the patient and extent of the condition. Non-surgical treatments involve the use medication, exercise and alternative therapies. Surgical procedures for the syndrome include open carpal tunnel release or endoscopic carpal tunnel release.

Aspirin and ibuprofen, both nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, can ease the swelling and pain brought about by carpal tunnel syndrome. Oral diuretics can be taken to remove the excess water in the body that might be the cause of the swelling. Corticosteroids like prednisone, when taken orally or injected, are proven to relieve pressure on the median nerve.

Stretching and strengthening exercises are effective for patients whose symptoms have already subsided. But before initiating any form of exercise that involves the wrist and other affected areas, they should first see a physical therapist or an occupational therapist. These health care professionals, who are trained to help people with physical impairments, can plan and supervise simple exercises for the patients.

Gaining sudden popularity over the years even with unproved effectiveness are alternative therapies. Chiropractic care and acupuncture have been reported to have helped patients. But one alternative therapy that has proven to reduce pain and improve grip strength is yoga.

Carpal tunnel release is among one of the most common surgical procedures in the United States. This surgery is only recommended if you have been having the symptoms for at least six months. It is performed under local anesthesia and involves cutting into a band of tissue around the wrist to relieve pressure on the median nerve.

Open release surgery and endoscopic release surgery are the two types of open tunnel release. The traditional way of doing the procedure is open release surgery, with incisions up to 2 inches in length. On the other hand, endoscopic release surgery only needs short incisions in order to insert a small camera for visualization.

Carpal tunnel syndrome is not something to be afraid of. With so many treatments available, it is easy to overcome. It is just a matter of choosing the option that is best for you.

You can find out more about fast carpal tunnel syndrome relief, when you visit the site for the best carpal tunnel syndrome treatment to eliminate your pain for good!

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