To Cure Acne, Avoid These Chemical Products

The world wide web is replete with various products that claim to cure acne. Unfortunately, many don’t realize that there are many medications that contain many harmful ingredients that cause acne or other side-effects they don’t want. Following is a list of some of the top offenders.

First, corticosteroids have become increasingly popular and actually cause acne. They are simulated hormones that work well at treating allergic reactions like eczema. The trouble is – they can help give you acne! Being simulated hormones, their effect on the body is similar to that of hormones.

Another prescribed treatment that causes acne is anabolic-androgenic steroids, which have been made famous by countless sports professionals. Athletes have used these “performance enhancers” to out-perform their competition. One of the many negative side effects of steroids is the spike in acne. Women on steroids will find facial acne to result, while men will contend with back, chest and shoulder acne.

Barbiturates are another medication to be cognizant of when treating this skin condition. Used for sedation, this is an addictive substance though it delivers good results in treating anxiety and stress. Nonetheless, it leads to acne. If your priority is to cure acne, you’ll want to avoid barbiturates.

One commonly prescribed mood-stabilizing treatment is lithium. Those who are diagnosed with bipolar disorder or depression will often receive a prescription. Insofar as its prescribed use, it’s excellent at calming the mood and helping your brain synapses to communicate better. One of the sad side effects is acne. If you want to limit this effect, then ask your doctor to either give you other types of treatment, or find an acne cure that can work with lithium.

If you want to cure acne, you also want to stay away from DHEA or “Dehydropiandrosterone.” This is again another hormone treatment given to resist the effects of aging, and is a derivative of a steroid. It will bring about acne, as do the other steroid-based drugs. The body will change DHEA into testosterone, which may lead to teenager-like blemishes. Given enough time, it will lead to a serious case of acne.

As mentioned, the market is teeming with various products to cure acne. When treating acne, you’ll want to know what medications you should avoid, what aggravates your acne. Otherwise, you may be left wondering if these effective acne treatments are actually doing their job or not – whilst your other meds are the real culprit.

If you want to learn more about Different Ways For Acne Cure, visit Best Acne Cure and get all your questions answered while you read your Free Special Report.More articles on Treating Acne and they can be found at Acne Treatment.

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