Tips on How To Whiten Your Teeth

Sparkly white teeth are desirable. That’s a fact. They in a way convey good oral hygiene, general health, and genes. The biological imperative to find a mate who is healthy and has an incredible set of genes is why people find those with good teeth attractive. Additionally, the media is also responsible for establishing the criteria for what is beautiful.

Now, there are a number of factors that can affect the color of your teeth. Though genes play a big part in this, your diet and habits also have impacts. Certain foods and beverages, tobacco, drugs, certain disease treatments, and ageing can discolor your pearly whites. Red wine, coffee, tea, cola, cranberry juice, soy sauce, apples, and balsamic vinegar are just some of the most common stain causing food. Chromogens and tannins present in them have great affinity towards latching to your teeth’s enamel. Additionally, these foods’ acidic nature erodes dental enamels making your teeth more porous thereby increasing the ability of chromogens to attach to them. The tar in tobacco creates a yellow film on the enamel. Tetracycline, antihistamines, and antipsychotic drugs are also known to cause tooth discoloration. And so do chlorhexidine and cetylperidinium, which are found in some mouthwashes. Chemotherapy and radiation treatments affect the enamel and dentin, the tooth’s second layer, leading to staining. The enamel erodes as you age. The erosion exposes the dentin, which is naturally yellow in color.

If you wish to lessen the staining of your teeth, you must be careful about your diet and change your habit. Quit smoking. Cessation will do wonders not only for your teeth but to your general health as well. You don’t have to stay away from the abovementioned foodstuff as there are ways on how to greatly reduce their effects on your teeth. For most drinks, you can use a straw in consuming them. This does not apply to wine and warm coffee of course. As with food, you ought to avoid retaining them in your mouth for far too long. The concept here is to restrict your teeth’s exposure to these stain causing agents. As far as medication, treatments, and ageing goes, there is nothing much you will be able to do about them. However you can check with your physician for more tooth friendly alternatives.

It is very important to develop a good dental hygiene. Regular brushing and flossing help combat tooth decay and prevents stain accumulation. Contrary to popular belief, you should not brush your teeth immediately after having had something to eat or drink. Your tooth’s enamel is very vulnerable within the first hour of consuming acidic foods and beverages. Brushing only exacerbates tooth abrasion and damage. You must rather rinse your mouth with water to dislodge food debris and tone down acidity. Allow 30 minutes to an hour for your enamel to reharden before brushing your teeth. Visit your dentist regularly to remove stubborn food and tobacco stains.

Besides professional whitening, there are a number of treatments and options for you to address tooth discoloration. There is an assortment of affordable teeth whitening merchandise that are accessible in the market today, although they are not as powerful as professional whitening. They range from toothpastes, to gel strips, to bleaching trays, and pens. Some people recourse to home remedies however peroxides may do more harm than good. Baking soda is a better alternative as it is less abrasive. Before resorting to home remedies and over the counter treatments, you must check with your dentist first.

There are a lot of factors as to why tooth discoloration occurs. Diet, genes, drugs, habits, smoking, and etc can lead to staining of your teeth. To avoid discoloration, watch your diet and change your habit. Good dental hygiene is also very important.

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