Tips On Attaining Natural Heartburn Relief

It can be quite unnerving to suffer from acid reflux due to the symptoms. It’s a condition which can happen over and over again when triggered. Good thing that heartburn relief may be achieved in a natural fashion.

The symptoms experienced are brought about by the irritation of nerves in the esophagus. The culprit: acid that has escaped the stomach. Diluting excess acid is one way to solve such problem. Take a glass or two of water. For better acid neutralization, add with it a teaspoon of baking soda, a form of natural and easily available antacid.

Many people simply down a glass of milk and see immediate results. You may also dilute acid with your very own saliva. Stimulate the production of such by chewing gum. The best choice is the sugar-free variant.

There are certain fruits which can help effectively zap the problem. One of them is banana. After a meal, simply have a serving of it. Do the same if the symptoms of acid reflux are present. You may also try apple if banana isn’t available.

Soothing irritated nerves may be attained by coating the esophagus with mucilage, a substance which turns into gel when wet. Doing so will also protect the esophagus itself from excessive acid. Mucilage can be found in marshmallow. It’s not only fun to eat when toasted, but also beneficial for people with acid reflux. Slippery elm is also a good source of mucilage.

Aloe vera juice can also help in soothing an irritated esophagus. But this doesn’t mean you have to break off a leaf and consume the gel within. The one you have to take is the specially prepared juice available at the grocery store. If you’re a tea drinker, have chamomile or fennel. Make sure that the tea isn’t too hot or cold, and remember to sip slowly.

Stress is said to trigger acid reflux, according to the findings of some investigations conducted. So if everyday you have a hectic schedule, look for ways to handle stress each time. You may not be able to dodge stress, but at least you can manage it at the end of the day. Write in your journal, read a book, listen to music, do yoga – you have many options.

Aside from looking for ways to solve the problem when it’s already there, try to avoid encountering it. Record the food you eat to know what your specific triggers are. Most people avoid spices, greasy food, chocolates, tomatoes and citrus fruits. Steer clear of triggers once you’re familiar with them. As much as possible, limit your consumption of beverages that are carbonated, caffeinated and with alcohol content.

Eating small meals rather than large ones also helps. Make sure that the last meal you took was 2 to 3 hours ago before going to bed. Speaking of which, elevate the upper portion of your bed by placing blocks under the headboard legs.

As you can see, it isn’t tricky to attain natural heartburn relief. Make sure to inform your doctor about your condition, especially that the symptoms are similar to a heart attack. If it’s acid reflux, it still needs a treatment form recommended by a specialist to avoid complications.

About the Author: Phil Adler is a former acid reflux sufferer who has found heartburn relief. Read more on acid reflux cough and other causes of acid reflux.

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