Tips For Fathers On How To Handle A New Baby

Mothers often take the lead role in parenting, while fathers take the back seat. This is the reason why mothers are more informed than fathers. However, fathers might learn that they can do more with the following inputs.

First and foremost, don’t be afraid to hold your babies. Babies may look fragile but they were made to be carried and they will not break if you pick them up. Feel free to gently hold your child and play with them once they are a few months old.

Fathers should be able to exchange notes with the mother on the development of their child. In the past it is common for mothers to experience psychological concerns after giving birth to a child. Recently, research shows that fathers too have some similar psychological concerns after the birth of a child.

Fathers who are new to their role should learn to express their emotions to the mothers. Emotions may vary from person to the other. What is important is that one would be able to determine whether his condition requires medical attention or not.

A very good way of showing support to your wife is when she breastfeeds. Research has shown that wives with supportive husbands tend to breast feed more often and for longer periods than when not. This means a healthier and well fed baby for you.

Since it is impossible for fathers to do breastfeeding, they should the mothers in other ways like changing diapers, doing laundry, bathing the baby or attending the baby sometimes.

And if things get too overwhelming, don’t afraid to seek or ask for help. A good source of support are family, friends, doctors, and baby-sitters. These people form your support circle and are there to assist you whenever you need.

After birth, a mother will need a lot of rest during the first few weeks to recover from birth. In this period, fathers should do everything they can to aid in her recovery. To keep her spirits up, you could plan a surprise such as prepare her a nice meal.

Becoming a new dad is of mixed feelings. Fear, excitement, anxiety, all these will be lessened when he is prepared.

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