Thurs 10/08 WLL … Back in the Game: Square One

Please check me out! ***** WEIGHTLOSSLOSERS Get involved. Get motivated. Get to GOAL! For WLL news, follow us on Twitter: See you next week! ***** … WLL antishay tbossbone MisNatt85 ceramicheart150 junkinthetrunkk fingerpaintsmile msixpackabs weight loss watc

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  1. lifewithjades says:

    I’m motivated by it all- being creative, taking baby steps, and also taking the time to figure out what worked in the past and start doing that again….it also helps to remember I’m doing this to help myself and from a position of caring- not hating. thanks for the video!

  2. dondons1987 says:

    love the opening ^-^ thanks for the upload Jason <3

  3. Imskinnyinside says:

    Was somebody vacuuming in the background? I get back on track by planning. If I don’t plan anything I will definately fail. I don’t do well with winging it.

  4. erikka1212 says:

    I’m kind of like you where if i get off track I become really strict with myself. Since I fucked up i get my ass to the gym and write down what i CAN eat the next day.

  5. mayaluvsmusic says:

    I ask for help. then when i;m done belittling myself for failing i push the reset button. put on some of my favorite music and write a goal list or i write down all of my worries. PRIMAL SCREAMS HELP TOO! try it!

  6. lol my kitty is my BFF too (Best furry friend)

  7. love the 21 day idea, my teachers would stress that about studying don’t see why it shouldn’t work for weightloss.

    and looks like you are having fun with your new roommate, so is kitty LOL
    good video as always jason. oh and great blogTV too <3

  8. HealthIsInPlease says:

    Its been 3 weeks for me…no change..

  9. julinside says:

    I’m so glad you’re back. At WW they also tell us that it takes 3 weeks to form (and hopefully ‘unform’ this habit) It’s so hard and I know that first hand, too:)
    Keep being amazing!

  10. ceramicheart150 says:

    😀 me & kitty are BFFs!

  11. metallivixen says:

    Fab video Jason! just what I needed after celebrating birthday week :-/

  12. xbabeegurlxo says:

    lol love the clip about ur kitty and nicole

  13. I reevaluate and get back to basics

  14. mesopotamianbeauty says:

    I like your idea of the 21 days challenge and think I will give it a try! (It has been a while I have been off track and can’t seem to go back on).

    Love your smile:))

  15. That intro was amazing.

    Great video, great ideas 😉 A 21-day challenge is an excellent way to challenge YOURSELF… make your own goals and stick to them.


  16. msixpackabs says:

    Jason I just <3 it!
    You need to work with me on that…like… HELL YES…I am asking for your support. I jump like an idiot, very enthusiast and fall like a bigger idiot!

  17. i love being creative. i can’t wait to do the sheets of paper with each pound i’d like to loose. 😀 i also like to crawl before i run (if that makes sense) because if you try to get ahead of yourself it will very likely fail.


    Hey Jason, short videos are ok too. If Robert is in the kitchen who is running the vaccume?

  19. angielooo says:

    awesome video, Jason!

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