Things You Might Not Be Aware About Massage

Most men and women believe that getting a massage is a luxury. There are those who think their only purpose is to provide an avenue for flirting. Even though it is true that there are some who assert that getting massaged on a regular basis is important but the truth is that the major benefits of massage are still being discovered. Have you been trying to figure out if you should spend money on getting regular massages? Below are a few not yet widely known benefits of getting regular massages!

Know that massage triggers changes in your brain’s chemical makeup. These changes lower your body pain and stress levels overall. This is important since it means that you do not have to physically massage the exact spot that is painful. For example, if you are nervous about the idea of letting somebody touch your lower back, ask them to focus on your arms and shoulders instead. The pressure there sends a signal to your brain so that the chemical responses can change. After a little bit, the muscles found in your lower back area will loosen up also.

It’s possible, according to some experts, that regular massage helps increase the health of your body. Studies have been done that indicate massage offers a boost to your immune system and that makes it easier to ward off diseases. This comes about due to the fact that massage promotes the increase of your body’s de-stressors. To give you an example, science has found that the cortisol levels in your body are reduced when you get a massage on a regular basis. Cortisol is caused by stress and assaults the immune system so assuaging your stress is a terrific way to continue to be healthy.

Have you heard that massage can help reduce your blood pressure? It brings down your hypertension as well. This is because massage triggers the nervus vagus and this nerve is responsible for regulating your blood pressure levels as well as several other important functions in the body. A study done in 2005 discovered that individuals who suffer from high blood pressure showed a pronounced improvement in their condition after getting ten ten-minute massages over the course of a few weeks.

It is doable to massage yourself too. Many people think that they must be massaged by someone else but this isn’t true. You don’t have to be able to reach the exact part that is hurting, you just have to be able to reach a point that is adjacent to it. One example is that individuals who suffer from conditions like carpal tunnel syndrome can greatly benefit from giving their arms a fifteen minute massage a few times a week.

There are a lot of benefits to getting a massage. Most people are aware that getting a massage can be a relaxing experience but they don’t know that it can treat many medical conditions also. You should know that there isn’t any one type of massage that is better or worse than any other. As long as you put enough pressure out to make indentations on the skin as you massage, you are giving (or getting) a terrific massage. So why not try it and feel the benefits yourself?

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