The Stories That You Mutter to Yourself Set the Themes for Your Life

The majority do not realise how much influence the stories that we tell ourselves have on the success or failures in our everyday lives. Metaphors or stories are one of the cornerstone NLP techniques and for an excellent reason.

Let us examine the way that you talk with yourself. Do you ever find yourself broadcasting things like: “I never seem to have any luck,” or “I am not going to try that because it looks a bit scary,” or “It doesn’t matter how hard I try I never seem to get anywhere.”

All of the above statements, and many others like them, are widespread in the self-talk of people who are not as successful as they could possibly be. They’re classic “glass-half-empty” stories. The really sad thing about such stories is that the people who tell the stories believe them to be true and so they actually behave in ways that make the stories materialise. Notice the way in which the story and the belief in it’s truth influence the outcome for the story teller.

But actually that’s excellent news, because if you decide that you’re going to radically change your stories. You’re going to switch all of your “glass-half-empty” stories into “glass-half-full stories,” the entire direction and emphasis of your life will switch a hundred and eighty degrees to the other direction. You will become a positive, well-energised person.

Once you adopt the opposite and positive language of people that are high achievers you begin to programme yourself to achieve success yourself. Just by saying to yourself “I am often lucky,” or “I am going to try that although it looks a little scary,” or “I know I’m going to succeed because I try so hard,” you’ll find that your entire approach to life changes. And, once that occurs, good fortune and success start to come your way.

As an NLP Practitioner my mission is, “to enable you to easily model the excellent behaviour of high achievers and then use the same behaviour to gain crucial goals at work and in your personal life”. I am getting results for the employees of major firms like Dell, Yves St.Laurent, J&J, RBI, GM and P&O through business coaching using NLP Techniques.

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