The Right Way to Shave

Razor burn and razor bumps (also known as ingrown hairs) are mainly caused by one thing: not shaving properly. Most people like to believe that they know how to shave because they have been doing it for years. However, the truth is that most of them use the wrong methods and products when it’s time to remove their unwanted hair.

Razor burn is a rash caused by the razor as it scrapes the skin. On the other hand, razor bumps are shaven hairs that can’t break through the skin. Sometimes, these bumps turn into acne. This happens when the bump is accompanied by infection and later takes on an acne-like appearance.

The treatment options are very simple, but it’s always better to seek prevention.

Do you Really Know How to Shave?

The first step in doing something that will prevent razor burn and razor bumps, is to learn how to shave properly. Start off by making sure you have the right equipment: shaving cream or gel, and a sharp razor. It is important to have a sharp razor because dull razors can lead to both razor burn and bumps.

Once you have your equipment, you should prepare your skin. You can use soap and warm water or a specially formulated foam to do this.

Shaving, itself, should be done slowly and carefully. Do not shave the same area more than twice and be careful not to nick bumps.

Afterward you should use a moisturizer so that your skin doesn’t dry out. These few simple steps can help you reduce your chances of getting razor burn and razor bumps.

Treating Razor Burn and Razor Bumps

Razor burns relief is simple with the use of a soothing lotion for your rash. Products containing snail serum, aloe vera, and rose hip oil can help alleviate any irritation derived from shaving.

A razor bump solution can be more time consuming. In this case, it is vital that you allow the trapped hair to break free from the skin before it gets infected. To do this, soften the skin with a moist, warm washcloth.

After that you need to exfoliate the area with a gentile exfoliation product. There is no need for aggression when you need to take out razor bumps, just use a pair of tweezers and gently coax the hair out.

Click on this link: razor burns to learn how to heal unappealing ingrown hairs. Or click here: razor burns.

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