The Primary Health And Nutrition Benefits Of A Vegetarian Diet

Many people suggest that a vegetarian diet is not nutritionally sound. This is because they are referring to vegetarian diets that are poorly planned out. When a vegetarian or vegan diet is properly structured, there are health advantages to following this diet. This article will outline the three nutritional advantages to vegetarianism.

Heart health is a major benefit of a well-planned vegetarian diet. Vegetarian diets tend to include nuts as a source of protein. Nuts are rich in good fats, including omega-3 and omega-6. These fats help to protect heart health by reducing cholesterol in the body, and by helping to unclog arteries.

That’s not the only heart-healthy staple in the typical vegetarian diet. Many vegetarians and vegans drink soy milk rather than regular milk. Soy milk also helps protect the heart, because it also reduces cholesterol.

If you want healthier skin, you might consider going vegetarian. Vitamins A and E have been shown to contribute to skin health. These vitamins are found in fruit and vegetables, both of which are staples of the vegetarian diet. In fact, fruits and vegetables are rich in many essential vitamins.

Vegetarians also get more fiber, via fruits and vegetables. Fiber helps the body rid toxins, which in turn contributes to healthier skin.

Finally, vegetarians benefit from the increased consumption of antioxidants possible with a vegetarian diet.

Antioxidants are powerful compounds that protect us from cancer. Antioxidant-rich foods help the body destroy free radicals. Free radicals are compounds which are believed to cause or contribute to cancer. Many vegetarian meals are rich in two of the strongest antioxidants, vitamins C and E. This is because vitamins C and E are readily available in many fruits and vegetables.

So, what concerns might a prospective vegetarian still have?

Hopefully, none. The misguided belief that the vegetarian diet cannot be nutritionally complete is a myth. In fact, the vegetarian diet provides vegetarians with nutritional protection and benefits.

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