The Pitfalls of Yo-Yo Dieting

A comprehensive fitness program will always include dieting and regular exercise.

Unfortunately, so many associate dieting with extreme calorie-reduction with crash diets that they end up doing their bodies more harm than good. One of the results of this kind of diet philosophy is weight cycling, more commonly known as yo-yo dieting.

In simple terms, yo-yo dieting is the repeated loss and gain of weight because of extreme dieting. Often, those who are caught weight cycling start excitedly with their extreme caloric-reduction program– even to the point of going hungry as they drastically reduce their food intake. A few weeks into the program, however, the strength of will dissipates and eventually, they revert back to their regular food intake.

While on the diet, your body will have to cope with the few calories you give it and as a result, it slows down metabolism. Thus, when the dieter goes back to his or her regular food intake, gaining the extra pounds comes surely. Be warned if you belong to this group. Aside from making it difficult for you to lose weight, the more serious effects of yo-yo dieting will be detrimental to your health.

First of all, yo-yo dieting negatively affects your metabolic rate. If you continue to starve to lose the pounds or drastically cut calories to achieve your version of a model’s body, you are priming yourself up for failure. Over time, you will continue to gain weight since your metabolism has already slowed to such a degree to help the body compensate for the lack of calories.

Another reason why fat gain becomes inevitable when you take drastic measures to cut your caloric intake is because you will go on a food binge as a form of recompense for the deprivation. Slowed metabolic rate combined with food binging equal very unlovely love handles.

More serious effects of yo-yo dieting include heart attacks, increased blood pressure and diabetes. Repeated weight cycling has also been linked to the development of uterine, breast and prostate cancers. When you lose weight rapidly, you are also increasing your possibility of developing gallstones. When you gain weight rapidly, on the other hand, you are putting yourself at risk for developing liver disease and arterial hardening.

More than the physical, however, yo-yo dieting also has serious consequences on your psychological health. Low self-esteem, often when all the weight is put on, is often a common trait shared by those in this situation.

The key to getting yourself off this deadly merry-go-round is to make small changes, not big and drastic ones. Cutting down on food intake immediately won’t work so you should concentrate on eliminating small portions and replacing these with more nutritious whole foods like fruits and vegetables. Because fruits and veggies won’t make you gain a pound, you won’t even have to worry about overeating.

You also have to learn to eat small meals more frequently. Thus, instead of having two or three big meals, try having five or six small portions. This way, you keep your metabolism humming which is essential to a continuous calorie-burn. Have long-term weight loss goals so you don’t feel pressured to lose weight within a very short span of time.

Want to learn about the most effective meal replacement shake for losing weight? Check out Shakeology and don’t forget to read this article about Shakeology nutrition.

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