The Hartford Family Of Mutual Funds

The Hartford Financial Services Group, Inc. (NYSE: HIG) was founded in 1810. It has grown throughout its history to become one of the largest insurance and investment companies in the United States.

However, they also have international offices in many other parts of the world which assists them keep in touch with the global markets.

The precursor to any financial decision always has to get research and this is even more important when it comes to long-term investment, which is exactly what investing in mutual funds is.

Not only that, but most mutual funds investment families, including the Hartford Financial Services Group, have an assortment of numerous mutual funds from which to choose.

The present economic crisis has proved to be a very difficult time for mutual funds and investors.

According to Barron’s list of best mutual fund families in 2010, the suite of funds at Hartford came in at number 31 with a weighted score of about 65% of that of the funds at the top of the list.

This was naturally very unsatisfactory for the Hartford investment managers and those who had invested their savings in them.

However, the firm is sure that it can reverse the fortunes of the Hartford investment group and make choosing to invest in one or several of their family of mutual funds a wise decision.

In order to make purchasing mutual funds easy for investors, there is plenty of help on hand from agents and financial professionals on the Hartford web site.

The first choice that you will have to make though, whether you go with one of Hartford’s mutual funds or not, is whether you are going to put in a lump sum or a monthly amount.

Next, you have to work out how much you are able to afford to invest. This is important not least because there is frequently a minimum investment.

Keep in mind that saving for the future, particularly with stocks and shares and mutual funds is a medium to long term affair.

There will probably be monetary penalties if you remove your money before the termination of the plan.

In addition, heavy charges are usually levied on the early payments in order to cover fees for administration and advice. This is normal practice throughout the business world of financial services.

Charges for joining Hartford’s mutual funds are not significantly different from joining any other of the top mutual funds.

Nevertheless, you ought to discuss fees with your financial adviser before you enter into any contract

It is a good idea to study the literature that the company puts out about the group of Hartford’s mutual funds before you speak to your financial consultant or one of Hartford’s investment account managers. It is not wise to enter these discussions ‘blind’, as it were.

Luckily, Hartford’s website provides masses of data on all of their mutual funds (and the other services they offer) so procuring the knowledge is not a problem

Hartford’s mutual funds could be a clever choice for recovery, because their family of funds has a decent long term history of sound investment, although they had a bad year in 2010, making them seem quite cheap for high performing mutual funds.

Owen Jones, the author of this piece, writes on a range of subjects, but is now involved with Hartford Mutual Funds. If you would like to know more, please go to our web site at Mutual Funds

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