The Bulk Building Workout (Intro) Muscle Building program

Discover How To Build Muscle and Six Pack Abs at Here Are The 5WORST Things you Can Do If You Want To Build Muscle & Get A World Class Six Pack Abs Body. 1. Almost all bodybuilding supplements DON’T WORK and are a complete joke and only make a 5% difference ASSUMING your diet and training plan are in order. In just a second, I’ll give you a nutritional advantage and tell you exactly what does work. 2. Traditional bodybuilding programs would lead you to believe …

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  1. bebopblues says:

    don’t register his site… they’ll spam you up the ass!..


    next time Vince, get rid of the satanic rock at the beginning, extremely annoying.

  3. So this is not for anybody??? LOL

  4. submelon8 says:

    big ego?

  5. Kakarot21591 says:

    Get a body fat caliper and follow the instructions. Either that or have it professionally done by a personal trainer with electrodes. Mine is actually 22.6%, so I’ll have to lose some as well, even though I cannot gain much weight because I am ectomorphic.

  6. Ma88tiong says:

    Vince, you been telling to your client as well as your viewers about the percentage of their body fats. How do you count or measure the percentage of body fats in your body?

  7. Nihlstorp says:

    Come Vince. Upload the damn thing!

  8. RaNdOsMaShEr says:

    no, proper nutrition is essential

  9. Nihlstorp says:

    Its Thursday now Vince. Upload it!

  10. smokestackeroo says:

    this sounds great.. but I still have about 3 1/2 months of NNMB advanced. gotta finish it first!

  11. get it uploaded! lol

  12. Nihlstorp says:

    Its wednesday now Vince

  13. youngjeezy3333 says:

    This is what weve all be waiting for. 🙂 5/5.

  14. youngjeezy3333 says:

    Yes you can, you ‘DON’T’ have to buy protein supplements..but a good diet with protein is vital in bulding a good strong body.

  15. xmage94purex says:

    Can i get in good shape without all the proteins and the other stuffs?

    just like eating good and healty. and training well?

    Pleas reaply. Thank you 🙂

  16. igottime2 says:

    thanks for the vid vince
    ? how does drinkn bulk caffeine affeck any weight lifting/building routine
    thanks for any feedback

  17. mamamama423 says:

    Also last thing Vince , i’m use to bulk and cut at the same time in my workout (my programs are designed like that ) two muscle group per day + cardio cuz I want a nice looking boddy all year around (i like seeing muscle definition , not just be a big bear) … will that program work for me and if not , do you have another program ? i’m looking to buy your stuff cuz its cheaper than a personnal trainer … i train bodybuilding style but ur stuff is cheaper than 60 $ for 1 program

  18. mamamama423 says:

    my metabolism is really fast and that’s what i hate … i can’t be bigger than 200 pounds , I tried everything , even when I eat alot it’s hard to gain that extra 15 pounds … my goal is to reach 215 pounds muscular with not an insane amount of fat … I listen to your other videos and you say the right thing , finally someone not selling stupid products so i respect that … I was thinking after finishing my intermediate back to shape program in 3 months to jump on yours is that a good idea ?

  19. mamamama423 says:

    Im 6 foot 1 , 200 pounds … Is this program for me ?? I started back training 3 weeks ago … used to train INTENSIVELY for 1 year last year but got an injury … never smoked , no alcohol , no roids , i take multi vitamines all the good stuff , I eat well , I don’t go partying , everyday at the gym at 8h00 AM .. monday through friday and on friday I do the TRX program (marines) , I eat like a maniac , 6 meals a day

  20. heedongchae says:

    he just said for the last 5minutes… smart ass

  21. sounds good vince, I’m 6’3″ 189lbs Lets get started!!! Upload that first vid!!!

  22. VinceDelMonte says:

    @miles4693 so in short… save your money on weight gainers. You might as well eat a dozen donuts

  23. VinceDelMonte says:

    My stance on weight gainers?

    Gainer shakes are LOADED with lactose (in general anyway).. most manufacturers use a WPC 34%, which means only 34% of the whey is protein.. and the rest is sugar (tonnes of lactose) and some fat… … they do this because its dirt cheap.. its alot cheaper than using a high end protein, wpc 80 or 90% and adding in maltodextrin, etc…

  24. lol my body fat percentage is like 14% but going to do it anyway, it took me ages to get it that high in the first place

  25. KyoukouSuneku says:

    What a teaser 😀

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