The Best Home Remedies for Bleeding Gums

At the first sign of bleeding gums, the individual must be alarmed as this symptom is related to gum infection. This goes together with such symptoms as reddish and swollen gums and the bleeding occurs especially when the individual brushes, gargles, and flosses his teeth. This also happens when a person eats food especially hard ones like biscuits and cookies. Because of this problem, the individual suffers pain while eating or even just while talking. The person may also develop ulcers in the mouth located in-between the teeth and in the inner areas of cheeks.

Other symptoms are experienced by the person suffering from gum bleeding. Aside from the usual redness and swell in the gums, there may also be redness seen on the tongue and inner cheeks, blisters and ulcers, bleeding gums and teeth, and drooling especially at night. This problem may be caused by poor diet, indigestion, and also poor oral health. In answer to this problem, the individual must visit his dentist to be able to know what caused it and seek advice on what treatment and remedies are available and suited for you.

There are various natural remedies to get rid of bleeding gums. But, before you consider any of these treatments, always make it a habit to wash your mouth every after meal. Apart from practicing a good oral hygiene, washing could also reduce the pain felt due to bleeding gums. Listed below are just common natural remedies for bleeding gums.

1. Always drink juice made from lemon after brushing your teeth. The vitamin C contained in this homemade drink will help you get rid of this condition. It will ease the swelling of the gums as well as stop bleeding gums. This natural remedy is also used by many of us since it is known to be very effective in reducing excess weight.

2. Baking soda can be added to your toothpaste every morning to help clean the blood away as well as reduce the problem of bleeding and the amount of blood lost. It also reduces the pain of the swollen gums and makes our teeth sparklingly clean.

3. Floss. Flossing your teeth every after meal will help reduce the problem of bleeding.

4. Drinking a solution of salt in a glass of lukewarm water can effectively reduce the bleeding gums.

5. Using the mouthwash containing sage oil, peppermint oil, and menthol or chamomile can also reduce your problems with swollen gums. They are effective in reducing any gum problems.

To learn more about bleeding gums, visit Belinda Griffin’s site. She is a freelance writer. She widely write articles about health and fitness. She believes that the best treatment for bleeding gums can be found online. For more info, visit site at

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