The Benefits Of A Regular Auckland Gym Workout

Now that we are more aware of the body’s need for exercise, more and more people are heading out for the gym. The enthusiasm is there, and the desire to be healthy is a great motivating factor. Gyms offer many conveniences – Auckland gyms are equipped with the latest and most innovative equipment designed to give customers the best workouts after a long sedentary day in the office.

Auckland gyms are experiencing an increase in satisfied customers. Aside from its state-of-the-art equipment, accessibility is also a big factor in encouraging people to go to the gyms. The gyms are conveniently located and are readily accessible by public transport. Then, too, there are the benefits that people experience after working out in the gym.

Much research has been conducted on the benefits of exercising. These are just a few of the reasons why workouts are beneficial:

Studies have shown that regular exercise is directly linked with improved sleep patterns. Twenty to thirty minutes of moderate to regular workouts three to four times a week will help you sleep better, provided that the workouts are in the morning or afternoon and not close to bedtime. Exercising late in the evening will make you too energized to sleep. Exercising also slows down the aging process and radically reduces the risk of premature death. We lose 10% of our aerobic capacity each year after the age of 30. Regular exercise can counteract this process because it can actually make you more fit as you get older. Regular workouts also improve skin and muscle tone, increases flexibility and reduces the risks of osteoporosis, heart disease, stroke and many age-related diseases. Working out regularly prevents or slows down muscle, joint and bone degeneration. You will enjoy a flexible body and strong muscles well into your golden years with a moderate or vigorous workout program. Exercise is a powerful and natural immune system stimulator. Several studies conducted on adult men and teenagers have shown that regular workouts strengthen the immune system. In older men, regular to moderate cardio workouts like jogging, walking or cycling have been found to be effective in partially offsetting the decline of the immune system. Studies have also shown that regular exercise has beneficial effects on memory; reaction time stays high; and concentration is improved. Research has confirmed that forty five minutes of aerobic activity three times a week stimulates the middle-frontal and superior parietal regions of the brain, which are directly associated with attention and concentration. Regular workouts strengthen the body so you have more energy to carry out your daily activities. Confidence also gets a boost with regular exercise – you feel better after a one hour workout. Exercise reduces stress and anxiety because it diminishes electrical activity in the muscles that are stressed out. The body also releases feel-good hormones called endorphins after an hour or two of working out – some studies reveal that exercise can actually help in alleviating clinical depression.

These are just some of the reasons why working out in a gym is good for you. Auckland gyms are also a great way to meet other people from all walks of life, and as studies have shown, a good social network has beneficial effects on our health and general well-being.

If working out is becoming a hassle and you are looking for an Auckland Gym that is close to work and can provide everything you need then give the team at Les Mills a ring soon!

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