The Basic Concepts Of Body Building

In the world of body building, there are several basic concepts that are used by every body builder, whether amateur or professional. These concepts form the foundation of every workout. It’s all about consistency and discipline in the world of building muscle, as repeating the same good things over and over without lapsing will get you to the best place. There’s a new philosophy in the fitness world that’s taking hold of many people, as the benefits have proven to be great when adhered to. Let’s take a look at it in closer detail here.

The first basic concept of weightlifting is HIT, or high intensity training. This is a workout strategy focusing on single-set routines that target all the muscles of the body. These workouts are performed one to three times per week, and utilize high intensity exercises to produce results.

The basic idea behind HIT is to aim for eight to twelve reps in each set. Another goal is making every set past the first more intense.

To make additional sets more strenuous, you’ll have to make adjustments to increase your workload. You can do this by adding weight, completing the set faster, or adding more reps.

Another basic principle of weight lifting is called periodization. This is the practice of increasing the weight in steps so as to avoid overtraining.

For example, in the first week of training, you would lift fairly light weights, then move on to moderately heavy weights the second week, and by the third week, you’d switch to heavy weights.

The purpose of periodization is to gradually introduce the lifter to heavier and heavier weights. This keeps the lifter working towards new goals and also aids in preventing injury or overtraining, which is a common problem for beginners.

Another popular concept in weightlifting is the hard gainer philosophy. This lifting strategy uses high intensity routines to hit muscles hard and promote growth.

The hard gainer philosophy focuses on working all the muscle groups in the body. However, while the lifter trains three times every week, each muscle group is only worked once per week.

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