The Aquarian Gospel And The Lost Years Of Jesus

The New Age Movement began decades ago, but many people feel that is was fueled by the Aquarian Gospel. This text accounts for specific years in the life of Christ that places him in lands with mystical teachings, such as India.

The book, the Aquarian Gospel, which was first published in 1908, claims to be revelations of Jesus. One of the most interesting concepts of this text is the revelation that God did not create heaven or hell, but man creates it as he deems fitting. This is a fascinating concept that has much support from many who are not able to accept that a loving father would condemn one of his children to eternal torment.

Another mystical aspect of this selection pertains to the acquisition of the passages as claimed by Levi Dowling, who said he acquired the Aquarian Gospel via the Akashic Records. These records are not in a specific place, but rather are the universal collection of all thought throughout all time.

Many believe that this knowledge is freely available to those who take time to seek it. Some go so far as to refer to these records as the mind of God, while others refer to it as being symbolic of a computer with complete access to universal knowledge.

According to this revelation, Jesus gives details about his childhood visits covering the time after his visit to the temple where he sat at the feet of elders to learn, ending with the time of his baptism by John the Baptist. This covers approximately eighteen years. The book asserts that during this time Jesus visited the areas of Assyria, Egypt, Greece, India, Tibet and Persia, which included what is now Iraq and Iran.

One can easily access the entire text online, which is now in the public domain. History buffs as well as those who study religions will find it a fascinating addition to their library. Those interviewed regarding the text agree that it remains in alignment with Jesus’ teachings as outlined in the New Testament. One key difference is the teaching of unity among religions. Anyone interested in the life of Christ should take time to learn more.

The author, Levi H. Dowling, has provided an interesting text that is well worth reading. This fascinating man was a military chaplain, practiced as a physician, received two medical degrees and wrote many texts. No text written by him is as interesting and compelling as this spiritual text, which he wrote during retirement. Read more about: aquarian gospel

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