The ABCs of Cholesterol, It Pays to be well informed about Cholesterol, Manage your Cholesterol Levels by Knowing the Basics

We often hear the word “Cholesterol” being talked about by adults, discussed in TV shows, printed in food labels, and even featured in TV commercials. It has become a common conversation piece because of its ill effects to our health. But how much of the information you know about cholesterol is actually factual? Keep in mind that there are many myths about cholesterol.

High cholesterol levels continues to be place in a horrible circumstance because it is one fatal condition that can lead to someone’s death. However you should also know that there are benefits to your health, too. Cholesterol’s main function to your body is to really keep healthy cell walls and be responsible for the generation of bile chemicals which enables fat digestion. In addition, it also helps your body produce natural vitamin D.

There are two (2) types of cholesterol – the good one and the destructive one. The unhealthy type of cholesterol is identified as the low-density Lipoprotein or ldl. This is basically the one that causes the blood vessels to clog and eventually leads its casualty to a heart disease or stroke. The good cholesterol is also known as HDL. It is very valuable that your hdl level is sufficient to reverse the range of ldl in your system.

Maintaining a good and normal cholesterol level is essential but most people fail in this aspect. Sources of bad cholesterol are saturated fats or trans fats that are present in the food you eat. Saturated fats can be found in animal-based snacks such as meat and dairy products. Trans fats are very much existing in commercially prepared food such as pastries, pastries, doughnuts, canned food, fried fast foods etc.

Certainly, it is usually quite difficult to refrain from these kinds of food since they are easily available in the market. Be that as it may, everything has to be consumed in moderation. It’s a wonderful thing though that there’s an growing awareness on the right proper diet for cholesterol approaches to protect yourself versus high cholesterol.

This disease can be a bit sneaky like a thief in the night. Therefore, it is important that as you get older, you must also take time to have your cholesterol levels monitored by getting your blood work done on a regular basis.

Gain more knowledge about the Cholesterol Chart to successfully manage your Cholesterol Levels.

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