Yellow vaginal Discharge News

There are lots of kinds of vaginal discharge, every one of them having different odour and colour. Vaginal yellow discharge, if copious, may carry some importance since it may be a symptom of vulvar vestibulitis or HPV condyloma virus. Normal vaginal extrusion is to be white/clear or drab; grayish, moderately bloody. Green and other colours and foul hint of vaginal discharge may be a sign of STD (sexually spread illness) or some type of infection.

Yellow Vaginal Discharge

There are lots of types of vaginal discharge, each one of them having different odour and colour. Yellow vaginal discharge, may carry some importance since it could be a indication of vulvar vestibulitis or HPV condyloma virus. Normal vaginal discharge is to be white/transparent or colorless; grayish, moderately bloody. Green and other colours and foul smell of vaginal discharge might be a sign of STD (sexually transmitted disease) or some kind of more serious infection.

Bright Yellow Vaginal Discharge

Vaginal discharge in ladies is not unusual and it should not be treated as a disease. Ok so ordinary discharge is clear or white and has no smell but a yellow vaginal discharge might be something to check out. Anything that looks different is a sign of a health problem. Sometimes there’s nothing serious, But on the other hand it may be a sign of something more major. If you detect a change in discharge, if it changes colour or smell, is to see a doctor so as to know for certain whether you want treatment or not.