❤ 4-Day Private Weight Loss Program! ❤ Dan the Man with the Master Plan & The 5 C’s Juice! ❤

Raw Food Weight Loss—Vegetable Juice Recipes—Raw Vegetable Diet—Free Juicer Recipes—Vegetable Juicing ➜ 4-Day Video Weight Loss Pgrm w/ donations + bit.ly ➜ My STORE: bit.ly ➜ Regular donations are still welcome; your love & support is infinitely appreciated: bit.ly ❤ The 5 C’s Juice: Cilantro-Carrot-Celery-Cucumber w/ Thai YoungCoconut Water ❤ * I ngredients * —…

Raw Food Weight Loss

Angela Stokes of www.RawReform.com on the BBC News. Angela speaks about her remarkable weight loss transformation with raw foods. She lost around 160lbs (11.5 stone) with a raw lifestyle and shares this powerful message of healing with the world on her site http