A Trench Mouth As An Sign of Unsavoury Personal hygiene

A trench mouth could be a rare and serious oral health condition. It is mostly due to extreme degrees of bacteria accumulation in your mouth. What actually happens is it slowly infects each and every portion of your oral cavity. To begin with, it infects the gums which offer extra protection for a teeth. After the gums are actually infected, they are going to become swollen and will now affect other parts within your cavity together with your teeth. Read on to discover more about this condition and what you can do to avoid it.

Treating Trench Mouth Disease through Going Natural

Trench mouth is typified by red, bleeding gums, mouth sores, bad breath and foul taste. This condition occurs when harmful bacteria has grown out of control thus eating away on the soft gum tissues. This condition started and was named during the First World War when soldiers were trapped in trenches and they have no means of doing proper mouth sanitation. Occurrence of trench mouth in developed countries may be uncommon these days however there are still cases of said condition. This is prevalent in developing nations and poverty-stricken areas where living conditions are impoverished and nutrition is inadequate.

Identifying the Many Symptoms of Trench Mouth

Trench mouth is the common term for Vincent’s stomatitis. It is also known as necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis (NUG); this condition was first diagnosed during the First World War when soldiers have to stay in trenches for some time during combat. This does not give them an opportunity to take care of their oral hygiene thus the disease was got its name. This condition is no longer common to developed nations however in places where poverty is still rampant and living circumstances are not very comfortable, the disease still prevails.