A Method of Fixing Your Body Using Taekwondo, Kenpo, Aikido or any Other Martial Art

I’m going to tie some different things together here, but it’s the straight goods. Follow what I say, work your way through it, and you’ll be able to fix your body using the martial arts, and this means virtually any art. Karate, Tai Chi Chuan, taekwondo, aikido, Hapkido, any art, and I recommend looking into a discipline such as Yoga.

Where Does Chi Energy Come From in Taekwondo, Kenpo, Kung Fu, or any Martial Art?

Most people don’t have a clue where the chi Energy comes from comes from in Taekwondo, Kenpo, Kung Fu, or any other martial art. That there is chi is plain to see, one just need take note of a real martial artist move to know that he is doing something beyond simple muscles. The problem is that most teachers don’t take the time to explain the exact growth of chi in the martial artist.

Martial Arts Technique For a Club Attack is One of the Best Self Defense Techniques You Can Learn

There are only eight techniques in the martial arts. This sort of flies in the face of people who study arts with a thousand self defense techniques, but that is not its intent. In fact, one should learn those thousand techniques before they actually consider something like the club catcher technique I’m going to give you here.