Wellness Coaching – The Dangers of a Sugar-Based Diet

It takes about six to eight weeks (depending on the person) to reprogram the body to become accustomed to living on ketones, rather than glucose. When it does, you’ll find that it is well worth the time and effort. Diets that are high in sugar and starch have been shown to cause insulin-resistant problems such as diabetes, hypoglycemia, ADHD, hypothyroidism, irritability, and severe mood swings. Other health related problems from a nutrient-deficient, high starch diet include irritable bowel syndrome, acne, yeast infections, migraines, chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, acid reflux, and systemic candida.

Wellness Coaching – Shifting Your Fuel from Sugar to Ketones

When you eliminate sugar and starchy carbohydrates from the diet, the brain begins to shift its source of energy for fuel from glucose to ketones. Ketones are the energy units found in fat. Not only does the brain prefer ketones over sugar for fuel, it operates much more effectively and efficiently on them. As a result, you won’t need to consume as many calories as you did as a carbivore. This allows you to maintain your ideal body weight without having to go on starvation diets.

Wellness Coaching – Be Candida Free in Six Months

Since the advent of antibiotics nearly a century ago, we’ve been injecting them into our bodies to kill off bacterial infections. Alongside this increased use of antibiotics, American consumers have increased their sugar intake from 20 pounds of sugar per year to about 140 pounds of sugar per year — mainly due to the exponential rise of process foods containing HFCS (high fructose corn syrup). It has been the combination of these two trends that has been the cause for what is known as the “Candida Yeast Syndrome.”

Wellness Coaching – Advantages of a Gluten-Free Diet

The Serbian tennis player, Novak Djokovic is on fire. After winning 43 straight matches, including 41 in 2011– something that hasn’t been done since 1984 — he plowed through the quarter finals then the semi-finals at Wimbledon this year. Even hadn’t won Wimbledon, his winning streak would have rewarded him with enough points to put him in the top spot, ranking him as the #1 men’s tennis player in the world. But, of course, he did win.