The Problem of HPV in Women

Symptoms of HPV in women can be different dependant upon which one of the about 100 different kinds of the infection is contracted. Complicating the issue is the point that a number of recognized varieties of human papillomavirus tend not to produce any noticeable indications of an infection. When a person thinks about the fact approximately one half of sexually-active individuals likely will catch HPV during their lifetime, the enormous size of the epidemic is made apparent.

Does Pubic Shaving Increase the Spread of Herpes in Men?

What is the connection between a reported rise in the incidence of herpes in men and the rise in popularity of pubic area shaving and waxing? Several health care experts think that there is, and earlier this year went on the record to discuss why they think the practice of shaving and waxing dramatically elevates a man’s chance of acquiring HSV-2 (genital herpes).