Vegetarian Diet And Cholesterol

Vegetarians, in general, have healthier cholesterol levels than non-vegetarians so studies claim. Vegetarians eliminate most or in some cases all animal products so their diet consist of carbohydrates and fat. This is very interesting considering there are numerous studies that suggest high carbohydrate diets raise cholesterol levels instead of lowering them.

Yes you read right. Coconut Oil has been proven to be better than polyunsaturated oils. I really love this oil, and just to show you how good it is, I’ve put below the results of a coconut oil vs vegetable oil study:

In a 12-week long study, researchers evaluated the effects of coconut oil and soybean oil on the biochemical profiles and waist circumference on 40 obese women, aged 20-40. Fat around the internal organs, known as visceral fat, is the type of fat linked to heart disease, diabetes and stroke, among many other chronic diseases.