If you know anything about high cholesterol, you will probably already know that this is something that effects people from all over the planet. You will also find that there are many different causes that can lead to people having high cholesterol, and you can find ways to lower your high cholesterol. If you had a doctor tell you that you had high cholesterol, more than likely they also started off by recommending that you start taking some type of prescription drugs. The truth is that when you take these drugs, you will be able to lower your cholesterol, but you will also find that these medications come with warnings of multiple side effects. Whether or not you decide to take the medication, you will want to lower your cholesterol as you will find that doing nothing can end up causing even more dangerous ailments. You will find that a few of the unwanted ailments that can follow high cholesterol are heart attacks and stokes. One of the things you are going to learn here are some simple ways for you to lower cholesterol while not having to use those prescription drugs. Reference caralluma actives.